Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Check out this app: Bandwidth tester; which local carrier is speedier?

This is a simple app to test your 3G or WiFi connection on your Windows Phone.

I ran a test on two phones connected to 2 local carriers. Results: The company that does not have a fruit name had a download speed of 1.93mbps, whereas the fruit company had 1.35mbps. The latter did not complete the upload test, so it not worth mentioning the results nor the latency.

The Bandwidth app is free for download on Marketplace.

BandWidth | zune://navigate/?appID=bd5202c2-c401-e011-9264-00237de2db9e

Sent from my Windows Phone

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Check out Flory, an app that brings Gtalk to Windows Phone.

I have long been looking for a Gtalk app for Windows  Phone and I'm happy today I've finally found it. Flory is an app that currently supports Gtalk and Facebook and does it quite well. Flory is available free for download on Marketplace.

I will post a short review later.

Flory | zune://navigate/?appID=129a347d-6609-e011-9264-00237de2db9e

Sent from my Windows Phone

Friday, April 22, 2011

App Review: Wake up to your music with Music Alarm Clock.

I think you will all agree that the Windows Phone alarm clock sucks. You are limited to the default system sound and it is currently not possible to set your own music as alarm, the same you cannot have a customized ring tone. All of this will supposedly change with the Mango upgrade. If you’re out looking for an alternative to the default alarm clock, which by the way is extremely annoying, then look for Music Alarm Clock on Marketplace.

As its name implies, this nice utility lets you set your own music as your alarm thus ensuring a pleasant wake up. Very simple to use, Music Alarm Clock will tap into the songs you synchronized to your phone.

How it works?
Start the app and set the alarm time. Then you may choose to manually set your song or have the app randomly select a song from your playlist. I really like this feature.

What I don’t like.
In fact, there is just one thing I don’t like about Music Alarm Clock. It supports just one alarm. It would be nice to be able to set multiple alarms.  The other issue is not the developer’s fault. Because of restrictions set by Microsoft, the application does not run in the background. So you’ll have to keep Music Alarm Clock running in the foreground. Therefore, remember to bring it up before going to bed and switch off the screen and it will work fine. The developers said will they will update the app when Microsoft enables multitasking. Until then, Music Alarm Clock is a cool utility to have if you’re bored and annoyed by the default alarm sound.

Download here.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Seesmic for Windows Phone updated to version 1.5.

Seesmic is not just an app that lets you post to a Twitter account; it's also capable of handling multiple Twitter accounts and your Facebook account. It also helps you keep all these organized on a dashboard.

So what's new in 1.5:

·         Better user experience with context menus

·         Trend integration with services from What The Trend

·         Send tweet via SMS

·         User is now able to select how to open hyperlinks (in-app browser      or IE)

·         UI improvements in Salesforce Chatter

·         Fixed Facebook timeline bug

·         Fixed Twitter login bug

·         "speak" a tweet (it reads the tweet for you)

Seesmic can be downloaded free on Marketplace


Sent from my Windows Phone 7

Microsoft has a security fix in the works for Windows Phone 7.

First, it is important to point out that this fix will be issued by Microsoft for a mistake made by a third party Certification Authority called Comodo. According to The Unwired, the latter “issued fraudulent digital certificates on behalf of a third party without sufficiently validating its identity. These certificates may be used to spoof content, perform phishing attacks or perform man-in-the-middle attacks against all web browsers including Internet Explorer on Windows Phone 7.”
The update is currently being tested by Microsoft and its partners. The fix is expected to be released early May.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

App Review: “9 Contacts Quick”. Add 9 contacts to one tile on your home-screen.

The new Windows Phone screen lets you pin your favourite contacts to the home screen for easy and quick access. Which is great and efficient, but it’s not so when you have more than one favourite contacts. Adding them to your home screen will make for more scrolling. What if you could group them together under one tile? That is possible with “9 Contacts Quick”, a free app from NeverDecaf that lets you add nine members of your family or friends to one tile on the main screen.

“9 Contacts Quick” is very easy to use. After downloading and installing from Zune, open the app from the application list on your phone. The main screen has three headers: Call, SMS and Email. Below the headers are 9 tiles that you will fill up with your favourite contacts to quickly call, SMS or email them. Tap Call to initiate a phone call, SMS to send a message etc.
Tap a tile. Doing so will launch your contact list. Now choose your favourite contact and select a phone number. The data is added to the tile with the phone number displayed. This is somehow inconvenient, since it adds one more step to have the contacts name displayed. I think the developer should take that one step out. To have the name displayed, just tap the tile again and fill up the available fields: Name, Description and Symbol/Initial. Click OK when done. Repeat the same steps for the other tiles.

When you’re done filling up the other tiles, remember to pin the app to the Start menu.

Say that one of your friends is not a favourite anymore or you want to make update a tile. This is easily achieved by a tap and hold on a tile. A menu appears with the following self explanatory options: Select New Contact and Update Name and Description.

This is it. Now you have 9 persons who are important to you on your home screen. No need to search for them in your extensive contact list. “9 Contacts Quick” is extremely easy to use. However, some steps in the addition of a contact can be automated. For example, having the name of the contact added to the tile. One last thing that I believe should be change is the name of the app, really.

I recommend “9 Contacts Quick”.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Facebook for Windows Phone updated.

Microsoft is pushing an update for the Facebook Application for Windows Phone. The update does not bring features like push notifications but includes "a lot of fixes to known issues and significant performance improvements".

You should have received a notification on your home screen by now; if not make sure you add the Marketplace tile to your main screen.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Check out this app: NBA Scores Lite

This is a must have application if you're a NBA fan. Besides games schedules, NBA Scores Lite supports Live tile. Just choose your game and pin it to your Windows Phone 7 screen and watch the score evolve. The tile will display each teams jerseys with their respective score. As I'm writing this, I'm "watching" the Spurs vs Grizzlies game on my phone. Very useful when you cannot watch the game on TV.

I recommend this app.

NBA Scores Lite | zune://navigate/?appID=b11cc098-7bf7-df11-9264-00237de2db9e

Sent from my Windows Phone 7

Friday, April 15, 2011

HTC releases app that makes WP7 see hidden networks.

A known issue since its release in October last year, Windows Phone 7 phones built by HTC now can see hidden networks. Hidden Wifi is available free for download on MarketPlace.

"The hidden Wi-Fi app let's you add 3 Wi-Fi access points with hidden network names to your Wi-Fi network list. After you add them to your list, you can connect to them like any other Wi-Fi network."

Hopefully we'll see a similar app built into Windows Phone 7 soon.

Follow the link on your HTC Windows Phone 7 to download the free app:


Wednesday, April 06, 2011

System Information Report for my HTC Mozart.

   Model: HTC 7 Mozart T8698
   Time: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 ● 7:55:12 PM
   Time zone: UTC+04
   Turned on since: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 ● 1:26:02 PM
   Operating time: 6 hours, 29 minutes and 10 seconds
   Screen resolution: 480 x 800
   Display language: English (United States)
   Region format: English (United States)
   OS version: 7.0.7390
   .NET CLR version: 3.7.10302.0
   Firmware version: 2250.09.13001.401
   Hardware version: 0004

   Total memory: 475.12 MB
   Available storage: 5.78 GB
   Number of songs: 0
   Number of pictures: 13
   Pictures size: 3.87 MB

   Connection interface: WiFi
   IP address:

System Information by Eyjo is a free app for Windows Phone 7. Get it here:

Sent from my Windows Phone