Monday, June 26, 2006

Tips: How to customize Word completion feature.

One of the features i use often when i type on my Pocket PC is Word Completion feature. In short it displays a list of possible words based on the first couple of characters you enter. Last week there were some requests from our visitors abou explanation of how to customize this Word Completion features and i decided to wrote some words about it.

By default, Word Completion is configured to suggest one word after you have entered two letters. So if you enter "fr" a popup box will display the word "friend", and when you tap on "friend" it will enter the rest of the letters in the word. But in case the word "friend" is not the word you are looking for, you need to enter the next letter and Word Completion will suggest another word. As you probably know ths method can speed up text entry considerably.

You have the option to change Word Completion to suggest 1 to 4 words after you have entered 1 to 7 letters. If you want to do this you need to open the Start menu, select the Settings option, and tap on the Input icon. When you do this select the Word Completion tab at the bottom of the screen and it will display the appropriate configuration screen.

If you want to have more word choices without entering another letter after the first you need to change the display word feature. I have set it to display 5 words and it works really good. I can also suggest you increase the number of letters entered to 3 or 4 for more predicting accuracy.

I hope this short guide will help you to speed up your text input with your Pocket PC.

[Source: MobileTopSoft]

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