Thursday, November 09, 2006

How to: Multiple deletion of Contacts in Pocket Outlook

The fact is you cannot perform multiple selections of Contacts in Pocket Outlook. Since I don’t use other PIM managers on my pda and haven’t read much about them, I cannot tell with certainty if they have this functionality built in. So you’re left wondering how to delete your contacts if you have plenty of them. One by one deletion is cumbersome, thus not an option. For me, the easiest way to go is to delete my contacts in Outlook on my desktop PC and perform a sync through Activesync. If I don’t want to get rid of all my contacts, I can use the multiple selection function of Outlook to delete the contacts I want and then perform a sync. The deleted contacts will also be removed on my Pocket PC or Smartphone.
If for some reason, you want to get rid of all your contacts on your device but do not want to delete your Contacts in Outlook on your PC, you can still move them to your Personal Folders and start Activesync (Refer to Outlook Help to create a Personal folder). The result will be a clean Contact list on your device. Hope this helps.

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