Sunday, December 31, 2006

Pocket Slay

Pocket Slay is a risk type turn based stratergy game that will keep you occupied for hours with stacks of levels (or islands) to conquer and a multitude of computer opponents to battle for the ultimate territory. The more territory you get means the more troops you can aquire (there is 4 different strengths of troops available) if you build a force too strong it will send you bankrupt. Trial version available here... or buy the full version from here...

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Im Back from Holidays

Well i hope everyone had a great and safe Christmas, ive just returned a day before the new year from a week or so on holiday. We traveled over 700 Km's in the last 10 hours which gave me the perfect opportunity to test out the recently purchased GPS unit,

there was 2 things i discovered..

  1. I need to look for more updated maps, there was a few things it didnt have updated (like a round about that used to be on a highway and no longer is)
  2. Having a 400 hz CPU while running tomtom and gps bluetooth means a 4 hour battery

The battery i was able to overcome thanks to a $10 Pocket pc car charger from ebay i got a few months ago. Anyway ive had a chance to test a stack of new games that ill be posting after a good nights sleep.

Merry christmas to all.

Friday, December 29, 2006


Wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Chess player caught cheating with wireless device

CNN reports how a chess player got caught cheating using his mobile to win games. "An Indian chess player has been banned for 10 years for cheating after he was caught using his mobile phone's wireless device to win games, chess officials said on Wednesday.
The player, Umakant Sharma, had logged rating points at a rapid pace in the last 18 months and also qualified for the national championship, arousing the suspicion of officials and bemusing rivals."

Friday, December 22, 2006

Best wishes for Christmas

On behalf of Pocket PC Mauritius team, I wish you all out there a Merry Christmas and thank you for visiting our blog. We also that Santa brings you the best of the PDAs or Smartphone running Windows Mobile. Have fun.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ringo Mobile - Your ringtone manager

Very often I receive emails from visitors to this blog with something like this in the subject line: How do I set an Mp3 file as my sms ringtone?
Electric Pocket now has a definite answer to this with their Ringo Mobile software.

Easily use MP3 & WMA ringtones on your Windows Mobile Phone
Set personal ringtones for your friends
Set personal SMS alert tones for friends
Set different ringtones for address book groups
Set different SMS alerts for address book groups
50 Free MP3 ringtones, to download and install!

A trial version is available here for Pocket PC and Smartphone or you can buy it for $19.95.

Mobile Phone Telescope

Ok so what to get a pocket PC owner for Xmas, how about a pointless telescopic lens for a camera phone. That's right a company in Hong Kong has come up with a telescopic addon for a mobile phone or pocket PC (they don't sell them for Pocket PC but judging from the pic it would work the same way) at $19 US I still don't think this is something ill run out and get More...

Monday, December 18, 2006

Free: Snowed In 5 - Flaked Out

Now in its 5th Year! "Snowed In 5 - Flaked Out" is THE definitive Christmas give-away. Enjoyed by gamers worldwide - downloaded over 100,000 times - free games don't get any better! Now available as a FREE DOWNLOAD until 31st January for these devices:

Pocket PC - e.g. Ipaq (QVGA, 240x320), Dell Axim x50v (VGA, 480x640), Treo 700w (Square, 240x240)
Smartphone - all models (QVGA, VGA and square screen), e.g. MotoQ, Orange SPV
Symbian S60 - e.g. Nokia 6600
Symbian S60 V3 - e.g. Nokia E60 (352x416), Nokia E61 (320x240)
Symbian UIQ - e.g. Sony Ericsson P800, P900
Symbian UIQ V3 - e.g. Sony Ericsson M600, P990, W950
Symbian S80 - e.g. Nokia 9210, Nokia 9290 (1st edition) and Nokia 9300, Nokia 9500 (2nd edition)
Symbian S90 - e.g. Nokia 7700
Desktop PC - runs in windowed and full screen mode!
GP2X Console

Download here

Friday, December 15, 2006

Q&A: How to modify default date format?

Q: Default regional settings is for USA. The date format is Friday 15 December 2006. If I set it to English UK it drops the day and I can only have 15 December 2006. Is there any way I can set it to region UK and have the day in the date please? Some kind of registry tweak or something?

A: If you have a registry editor, try this: Go to HKLM/nls/Overrides/
Change the Value data for SSDte to the date format you want. To include the day, type dddd/mmmm dd/yyyy as the value data. Do a soft reset and you will be able to select the new date format from the Regional Settings applet.

Warning: Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Adventures with Bluetooth GPS

Well i finally got my hands on a bluetooth GPS unit for my pocket pc. im planning to cover what i had to go through in the initial setup to get it all working. seeing as how i didnt want to spend a whole lot on it i managed to pick up a GPS unit for $80 Australian from ebay and was quite surprised how well it actually works.

First of all GPS is all well and good but you need a mapping program to use it with, for that i grabbed a copy of Tomtom. Now im using version 5.1 but the latest version is 6, i couldnt see alota difference in the versions other than some screens being a different colour and a few more options. There is a patch you will also need with tomtom if you dont plan to use a standard tomtom gps.

Secondly i grabbed a copy of updated bluetooth drivers for my phone, this gives you some new options you dont get with the standard 2003ce bluetooth.

Also pick up VisualGPSce which you get for free from
here this will save you having to try and start tomtom every 5 seconds when you start to get into the port setups.

Once you have bluetooth upgraded and everything installed pair with the GPS (this will be covered in the user manuals as each unit is different) you need the outgoing port to be open using port 5 (very important this) once you are paired up you should see some communications start to pick up in tomtom or VisualGPSce.

I was actually quite surprised how easy it was to get going (well had a few restarts) but also how well it worked considering the price. I have a friend who uses a Navman according to the specs on both the cheap ebay GPS will connect faster on cold startup.

So far ive found it very handy indeed.

Space Trader v1.1b

I love these old space trader games (i am a massive elite fan), you know the ones where you fly around the universe buying and selling wares (some illegal) and try not to cross the over the "wrong side of the law". This is one of those brilliant free to download games (but if you really like it dont forget to drop some cash to the developer. You can see more screenshots here... or download from here...

Q&A: Remote Desktop Client for Smartphones

Q: Does Windows Mobile 5 - Smartphone Edition include a remote desktop client?

A: Windows Mobile 5 pocket PC edition comes with a Terminal Services Client but this feature is not present in the Smartphone edition. But don't despair. Luckily, there are third party solutions out there that you can try. I came across .Net VNC viewer which works on both Pocket PC and Smartphones. VNC Viewer lets you remotely connect and control your desktop PC. Mocha Remote Client for Windows Mobile 1.2 only works on Pocket PCs.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Skype 2.2 Beta for Windows Mobile - Smartphone Edition

It's great that Skype is now functional on Windows Smartphones. Version 2.2 beta is avalable for download here. Don't know what Skype is? Read more here.

Some of its features:

Free calls to friends and family from your mobile phone.
Save on mobile calls — at home, in the office or when travelling.
Anywhere, anytime — no need for a computer.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Pocket IE and Default home page

Q: The default behaviour for Pocket IE when you open it is for it to show the last web page you were viewing. Is there any way to force the browser to open with the Home page instead?

A: This behaviour is due to the fact that you are not really closing PIE when you tap the X button. Windows Mobile only minimizes the application. This is why you're getting the last visited page each time you "maximize" or restart PIE. There are plenty of free task managers that you can download that will really close any app you use on your device. Try Magic Button. It's really nice, easy to use and free.

You can download Magic Button for free here.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Mitsubishi Unveiling Double-Screen Concept Phone

According to Telecoms Korea, Mitsubishi Electronics presented a dual screen phone during the Hong Kong ITU World. Now, I don't really grasp the idea behind this, but itlooks like another useless addition to a phone while there are much more important issues that need attention. I'm here referring to new ways to make our devices more powerful and faster, fix the batteries problem etc.

"Being developed to improve user interface, the double-screen phone supports touch screen and a subtle click sensation that ensures correct function of the device even when wrong buttons are pressed."

Friday, December 08, 2006

Speed up your Pocket PC/Smartphone

SpeedBooster is a software that will allow you to focus the CPU to certain tasks, that require more hardware power. It has an easy to use interface, quite the opposite from the advanced internal functionality. It runs on multiple platforms Pocket PC, Smartphone, both the 2003 and the 2005 platforms. Get as much as you can out of your Mobile Device right now!

16 days unlimited trial
Real time CPU usage indicator for all of your Tasks
Easy "switch-to" function, with a single Action key press
Powerfull CPU priority control functions
Multiple platform support: works with most of the 2003 and 2005 devices, both Pocket PC and Smartphone
Cool interface, easy to use and great results


Thursday, December 07, 2006

LG Unveils Mobile WiMAX PDA Phone

LG Electronics revealed its PDA phone for Mobile WiMAX for the first time to the public. The phone, unveiled in ITU World in Hong Kong, features Window Mobile PPC O/S, touch screen, Bluetooth, a 2 Megapixel Camera, mini SD, and supports both Mobile WiMAX and cdma2000 1x EV-DO. The PDA phone is set to be rolled out in Korea in the second quarter of 2007.

Unless I'm wrong, this is LG's first PDA phone running Windows Mobile. No more fancy chocolates...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Belkin Cable-Free USB Hub

The Belkin Cable-Free USB Hub, the industry's first USB Hub that does not require a cable to connect to the computer, will be available for purchase in mid-December. Utilizing Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology with the Wisair chipset, this Hub allows you to place your laptop anywhere in the room so you can print, play music, scan, download photos, and burn CDs from anywhere in the room. Surely your wallet will complain about the $199 price tag.

Free: Send SMS to groups

This is yet another missing feature of Windows Mobile and quite a surprising one. One would expect to be able to create distribution lists in Pocket Outlook, but Microsoft thought otherwise. Fortunately a developer came up with OS SMS, a freeware for Smartphones running WM5. Besides being free, this soft lets you create groups of 10 contacts and send SMS quickly to groups instead of having to manually select these names from Contacts. Hopefully, the developer will fix the Distribution lists issue in a near future. Download

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Podcast pick #1 Comedy4Cast

Comedy4Cast is one of my favorite Podcasts, I never miss an episode. Ive been listening to this one for quite sometime now (since about episode 25 from memory). This is clean comedy at its finest and there are a number of ongoing characters that appear as themes for an episode ranging from the "nerdy/tryhardish" Danny Hillcrest (movie reviewer) to the rather well spoken Hamm or even the Basically Podcast show with Lenny Treetop (previously sponsored by Generic Tomato soup), each episode brings about a new adventure for the characters or offers insite into the creator, Comic Genious Clinton Alvord. All in all i highly recomend giving it a try. You can listen to the current and previous episodes here...

Tsk tsk

According to a recent article on the FBI now has a legal precedent to use Mobile phones in order to spy on people, this is using otherwise inactive mobiles (not in a call) to eavesdrop on people near enough to the receiver to be picked up as a sound file. While im a big believer in "if you don't have anything to hide..." I still think this is just going a bit too far, more Here...

Friday, December 01, 2006

Locate a GSM phone anywhere...kind of

This service is new and you will agree with me, is also pretty useless. But try it, you will be surprised by the results.

Approximate margin of error:
10 metres (max.) for mobile phones in Europe and the U.K.
25 metres (max.) for mobile phones in the U.S.A., South America and Canada.
50 metres (max.) for mobile phones elsewhere.

Print anywhere on the web

It was to be expected that after online docs and spreadsheets, the next logical step would be online printing. This is now possible with PrinterAnywhere. The software is very easy to use and you can even try it online. Best of it all, it's free. Go ahead and give it a try.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Generate your mobile portal with Mob-it

Mob-it! allows you to generate your own mobile portal from virtually any website available on the web through its RSS feed. Just enter the RSS feed URL on this page and follow the instructions. The content will be downloadable on your mobile phone (more than 150 telephones tested and growing) and will be stored as a portal on your phone.You will be able to access it anytime, anywhere, even offline with a truly cool presentation and an easy access, and most of it, share it with your friends.

The generated content uses the Java format. Once you go through the three required steps to create your portal, you will then download a .Jad file to your mobile. It's a cool idea, but I'll stick to "more conventional" RSS readers.

NEC's Soft-shell mobile phone

This new phone does not use Windows Mobile but it's noteworthy.

"tag" is a new, malleable, casual communicator. It is not only soft but also flexible, for example, it can be hung from a belt or wrapped around the user’s arm. Shape-memorizing material and multiple pressure sensors allow the phone to change its shape according to the mode. The user can also alternate the mode by changing the shape. "


Intel to roll out Penryn

This has to be the best news ive seen in a while, This will revolutionise the world of Pocket computing. Penryn is a 45 Nanometer Processor. AMD will start shipping its cheaper version next month. Whilst they dont give much in the way of specs its going to still mean that because of size you can fit more of these in the same space a current CPU can sit in. Just think end of next year we could even have the first Quad Core Pocket Pc. More...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Get the latest Opera mini for free

Opera mini works on any Java enabled phones, including Windows Mobile with Java virtual machine. There are two ways to download the software: On this page, just select your country and type in your phone number. You will receive a link by SMS to download the software to your phone. I tried that, but haven't got any SMS yet. You can also point your existing phone browser to and start the download. Which is, in my opinion, the easiest way to go.

Some of its new features include:

Photo Sharing: Snap a picture with your phone's camera, and upload it to your blog, forum or e-mail.

Secure Connection: Safely bank, make online purchases and manage e-mail from your phone.

RSS Feeds: Subscribe to your favorite RSS feeds and get your online news fix anywhere.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Oki Electric Iris Recognition Technology for Mobile Terminals

This has started getting a bit of press in the last 12 months, to be honest i dont see what the big deal is. For starters i wouldnt have highly confidential information on my mobile to begin with and having it traced using GSM cells is easy enough these days. Then again if these little data stores end up turning into Electronic keys for bank accounts and whatever else then this may be a good thing. More...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Introduction to Outlook Mobile Service

I came across this article on Microsoft website about Outlook Mobile Service that will let you use Outlook 2007 to send and receive email and sms from your desktop and mobile phone. This is a most welcomed feature. You will thus be able to send sms to multiple contacts right from your inbox.

"Outlook Mobile Service makes it easier to use both these media and is fully integrated with Outlook. With Outlook Mobile Service, composing and sending a text or multimedia message is now as quick and easy as creating and sending an e-mail message. After the message is sent, you can see it in the Sent Items folder in your Inbox."

Pencil Box Deluxe

This is my 4 year old Daughters favourite application on my Pocket PC, it has more features than you can poke a stick at not to mention an exit password to stop those (like my Daughter) little ones exiting the program and texting bizzare and wierd messages to your contacts. The overall features are endless with 6 different pages all with 8 visible pencils each with configurable colours (even has 5 pencil save slots so you can recall a colour scheme for a set of 8). you can download a trial or buy via here...

Shozu now for Pocket PC

What is Shozu you ask, With Shozu you can upload photos to popular services like flickr and also upload and manage other content like videos - all directly from your Windows Mobile phones! ShoZu is free to download and free to use, Previously this was only available for Smartphone but you can now get it for Pocket PC as well. More available from here...

Friday, November 24, 2006

Download free SPB Unithemes

Download UniThemes to change design of your entire Pocket PC. Installing a UniTheme will change design of all skinable programs so they will look in one style. Download

Catch someone's attention with FotoRythm 1.0

This is a very useful solution if you are in a crowd or in a pub and you want to catch someone's attention. FotoRythm 1.0 simply flashes your WM5 or WM2003 device screen, making it hard not to miss it. Download here...

HTC devices from 2002 to now.

GSMArena has done a good job assembling a table complete with all the devices manufactured by HTC from 2002 up to now. Since HTC has only recently decided to sell devices under its own brand, collecting all this data has been "a daunting task for us". Read more...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The GSMart i120 has a TV recorder

The handset made for PDA lovers- with a pure PDA outlook, g-Smart i120 is designed to be easy-to-hold and easy-to-operate. Using the latest Windows Mobile5.0 AKU3.0 OS with Microsoft Messaging & Security Feature Pack (MSFP), it fulfills power users’ needs in every way. As the second generation of g-Smart, g-Smart i not only has all the attractive features, but also provides some more applications, such as Wise Talk, Smart Input, TV recording. Read more here.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Most powerfull Pocket PC todate

Yes i know this is a big call but check the specs on this little Gem,

O2 XDA Flame,

Operating System: Windows Mobile 6.0 Processor: Intel XScale PXA 270NVIDIA GoForce 5500 GPU for next-generation mobile graphics!!!Processor Speed:520 MHZ
Display: 3.6 " VGA Touch Screen
Memory: 2 GB Flash ROM, 64MB RAM
Camera: 2.0 Mega Pixels
Connectivity: Wi-Fi 802.11b+g
Sound: SRS Mobile HD surround sound
Other Features: TV- OUT Connector, USB ON-THE-GO

i know what i want for Chrismas

HTC intoduces the P4350

Yet another Pocket PC from HTC. The P4350 has a slide out keyboard and looks like the Tytn but without UMTS. Personally I've chosen to stick to GPRS for data connection as I find 3G devices quite expensive. More...

Review of Windows Mobile 6 for PPC has an extensive review of Windows Mobile 6, codenamed Crossbow, including enough pictures to give you the impression you're actually using the new OS. Remember that Microsoft plans to release a one-version of Windows Mobile in 2008 for both Pocket PCs and Smartphones.
"On the first start-up the device requires you to set password (simple four-digit sequence or more reliable, secret question can be also submitted). After doing that you will be offered to set up mail by going through a wizard (which made its first appearance in WM 5.0 AKU 3.0), which is really handy for an inexperienced user, as all important variables and options, including security (which is left out by many) and mail can be adjusted right away." Read more...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Gmail setup issues

I received a few emails lately requesting that I blog about setting up Gmail. Sometimes it is not quite as straightforward as one would have thought. Even if you manage to get through the settings, tap Send/Receive and, if you are unlucky, you get a message saying "An error occurred while downloading messages. Verify that you have network coverage and that your account information is correct and then try again." I remember when I first setup Gmail on my Pocket PC, I skipped the detect settings automatically to type the Incoming/outgoing mail settings manually. While this is the right way to go when settings are not automatically downloaded to your device, it is also recommended that you let the software acquire the settings online by itself.
The download error message almost always pops up after manual configuration of Gmail. So, I would type for the incoming mail and for outgoing emails and ignore the port numbers. Automatic configuration will add the numbers 995 and 465 to the settings mentioned above. Once you have these numbers, which by the way are ports used to access gmail servers; you will never experience any error. My advice: Let Gmail do the setup for you. But if you want to be in control, then remember to type the port numbers.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Try CityPipe for Pocket PC

Mix up Plumber and Tetris and you get CityPipe, a arcade puzzle game for Pocket PC. You need to pick up and rotate falling pipes to create a pipeline connecting all the customers to distribute water. The game offers 40 levels and costs $11.95. A demo is available here.

Zune in

Microsoft Zune has been released and with it a war of comparisons with its rival Ipod. Microsoft's critics, expectedly, do not like it. Navigate the net and you will read quite a lot of positive critics of the device though. It seems well poised to challenge the Ipod hegemony. Zune here to visit the Zune's official website to learn more about it.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Virtual Pool Mobile

This is the best Pool Game ive ever played be it on PC or Pocket PC. The game play is very realistic featuring a betting system that allows access to certain levels and better Computer opponents. The only gripe i have with this game is that a 2 player game would be perfect, be it via Bluetooth or turn based. Download the trial version or purchase via here...

CTU ringtone from TV series "24" on your mobile

The following events take place between 12:00PM and 01:00PM:

I was desperately looking for a decent ringtone for my pda when I came across this
site which has a list of CTU ringtone that you can hear in the series "24". Different file formats are available for free download.

Friday, November 10, 2006

synchronize the memory card on your Pocket PC or Smartphone...

Ever want to synchronize the memory card on your Pocket PC or Smartphone...
Well now you can! Looking for an easy way to transfer your music, pictures, movies and Podcasts? Finding ActiveSync synchronization of "My Documents" just a little too lacking? Want to shrink down your images before putting them on your device? If the answer is yes, then you need ACiD. Read more here:

Free: Hubdog for Smartphone

Podcast, News & RSS reader for Windows Mobile Smartphone – HubDog finally to the rescue

More and more mobile users are opting for HubDog as their Personal Mobile Interface to Access their Favorite Content when and wherever they want.
HubDog is finally available for Windows Mobile Smartphone and again, it is totally Free.

With HubDog for Smartphone, search and view Video Podcast, TV Shows, Clips, Movies, Live Radio, Music Podcasts, Pictures, News across more than 40 000 mobile channels.
HubDog is FREE, registration is optional, download here:

Thursday, November 09, 2006

How to: Multiple deletion of Contacts in Pocket Outlook

The fact is you cannot perform multiple selections of Contacts in Pocket Outlook. Since I don’t use other PIM managers on my pda and haven’t read much about them, I cannot tell with certainty if they have this functionality built in. So you’re left wondering how to delete your contacts if you have plenty of them. One by one deletion is cumbersome, thus not an option. For me, the easiest way to go is to delete my contacts in Outlook on my desktop PC and perform a sync through Activesync. If I don’t want to get rid of all my contacts, I can use the multiple selection function of Outlook to delete the contacts I want and then perform a sync. The deleted contacts will also be removed on my Pocket PC or Smartphone.
If for some reason, you want to get rid of all your contacts on your device but do not want to delete your Contacts in Outlook on your PC, you can still move them to your Personal Folders and start Activesync (Refer to Outlook Help to create a Personal folder). The result will be a clean Contact list on your device. Hope this helps.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


There is a simple yet addicting little game out there called Falling Sand Game: there are no rules or goals, but you have to be sure the imagination is your only one limit.
The best part is because its in development its free, download from Here... be warned it is adictive for a while, also somewhat calming. anyway give it a try.

Solitaire City for Pocket PC v2.00

Solitaire City is a high quality collection of your favourite solitaire card games for Windows Mobile based Pocket PC handhelds ... but there's a twist ! You play as fast as you can, against the clock for points. The faster you complete a game, the higher your score, the best of which are displayed in the Hall of Fame for future bragging rights. This unique scoring system is what makes Solitaire City more addictive than any other solitaire game you've played. You'll find yourself playing long into the early hours of the morning, trying to shave a few seconds off your best time. Place your handheld in its cradle and it will use your computer's internet connection to sync your hi-scores automatically with scores worldwide. If your Pocket PC is WiFi capable then your scores can sync from your armchair ! Trial Version from Here.. or purchase from Here...

Free online games for your Pocket PC

I think the title says it all, except that you must have flash player installed on your device to play. Mini Golf, Stack 4, Sudoku, Bomb Squad, Rotex are among the latest games on the site. Click here for more. Requirements:

PDA Phones running Microsoft PocketPC 2003 and Windows Mobile 5.0, Adobe Flash Player browser plugin can be downloaded from your PC here. For a full list of Window Mobile supported devices, visit the Microsoft Windows Mobile web site here. You may also need to purchase a data plan from your mobile network operator or service provider to get Internet access on your device.

Wireless PDAsFor Wireless PDAs running Microsoft PocketPC 2003 and Windows Mobile 5.0, Adobe Flash Player browser plugin can be downloaded from your PC here. For a full list of Window Mobile supported devices, visit the Microsoft Windows Mobile web site here.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


This is great for everyone from someone that travels alot to someone that just has alot of gadgets (im guilty on both). The SynCh charger can charge a vast range of small electronic devices including mobile phones, BlackBerry, iPods and other mp3 players, Sony PSP’s, PDA’s and Bluetooth headsets, two at a time and at the double! It even has a the ability to charge in the car on the go. More...

Japanese school girl cell phone strap.

This just screams anime a school girl uniform strap for your pda will just yell "i am wierd" from the highest building. Accoding to the people at Strap-ya the 20 designs available are based on the most popular with the boys in Japan (i wonder how many buisness men are in that too).

Monday, November 06, 2006

Ebook - Seven Deadly Wonders

I just finished reading this book (im big on ebooks) using my I-mate, its a rare one that i just couldnt put down and read in 2 days. Its a cross between The Da vinci code and Indiana Jones (with a much higher body count) you can read the blurb on the site below or purchase the full version however this will and should be available from all paper book stores and most online ones as well. I should also point out that this is book 4 in a series but can be read as a stand alone book as well as i did (now i got to read the others) More...

Run Palm OS® Applications on Windows Mobile™ Pocket PC Devices

StyleTap® Platform allows you to run applications (and games!) originally written for Palm OS handhelds on your Windows Mobile Pocket PC. With more than 20,000 applications for the Palm OS platform available – many of them free – you will be able to do so much more with your Windows Mobile device. You can Download a 14 day trial from here... Purchase the full version here... or read more from the developer here...

Fishopolis - Your Smartphone is the Joystick

Fishopolis is Real-Action Shoot’em Up game. Your task is to shoot fish, but what the real fun part is that you are using your whole phone to aim. Simply - to aim to the right, move your phone to the right. Fishopolis is using the image from the phone’s camera to detect movement. Now this is real action!Go through the quest for Fishotreasure which consists of 11 levels with 8 different types of fish to shoot or try yourself in Time and Countdown challenges. This is the game that will make you feel that your smartphone is really Smart!

More here...

Friday, November 03, 2006

How I recovered my stolen Smartphone and helped arrest an elusive recidivist

Apart from my beloved Eten M500, I also owned a Sagem MyS7 running Windows Mobile Smartphone Edition 2003SE. Last Saturday, the 28th, a thief broke into my house and stole the phone and some money. I reported the theft to the police and I was told that it would be hard, if not nearly impossible to find out the identity of the thief since there were no fingerprints. This was until I told them that I had Eye on Thief installed on the Smartphone. All we had to do is just to wait for the thief to replace the sim card and turn on the phone, which is what he did three days later. I started getting a bunch of sms from the phone with the new sim card phone number and without the thief even knowing that the software was running in the background. I started my own private investigation and with help from my friends, we were able to attach a name to the thief’s phone number which I remitted to the police. The guy was known to them for being a recidivist. Early this morning, the 3rd of November, they mounted a swift operation to apprehend the guy at his house and seized an impressive amount of stolen stuff including my Smartphone. This guy will be out of business for a very long time thanks to genius of a programmer. I thought it worth sharing this experience to the readers of this blog as it’s also a test of Eye on Thief. The police was simply amazed by the capability of my Smartphone, especially when I made a demo on my Pocket PC. I love Windows Mobile…and Eye on thief.

Install a different language version of Voice Command.

Jason Langridge, a.ka Mr. Mobile, recently blogged about how to install a different version of Voice Command on your device. This software is installed in ROM, thus using the Remove Programs won't help. Read this tip on Jason Langridge site to learn more.

Symantec Releases Mobile AntiVirus 4.0 for Windows Mobile

"Symantec Corp. today announced the availability of its Mobile AntiVirus 4.0 for Windows Mobile, developed to make PocketPCs and smartphones running on the Windows Mobile 5.0 platform a safe repository for an organization’s confidential data without limiting employees’ ability to conduct business wirelessly. Symantec Mobile AntiVirus 4.0 for Windows Mobile automatically protects mobile devices from threats transmitted via e-mail and multimedia messaging service (MMS), downloaded from memory cards, the cell network and Wi-Fi, transmitted by Bluetooth or beamed over infrared connections."

Funny that Symantec wants us to buy a product that's supposed to protect our device against an inexistent threat. Read more...

Windows CE 6.0 fully released

Yep thats right sports fans cross bow has apparently been fully released, To quote a press release from Microsofts Ce6 launch site "Get support for up to 32,000 simultaneous processes, each of which run in a 2GB virtual memory address space" which is massive. They have a virtual hands on Lab here... There is some sessions on demand available as well. I cant yet find a run down of supported devices but will check some developer forums later today to see if the rom is compatible with older devices.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

SPB Pocket PC Survey

Spb Software House is one of the leading Pocket PC software developers for the platform, and it is important for us to know the way you use your Pocket PC; your needs, preferences, expectations, and complaints. The information you give us will help make our current and future products better. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of the answers to the survey questions are very interesting to the whole Pocket PC community. The most interesting results of the survey will be published at the popular Pocket PC websites.
All the participants of this survey will receive a collection of five excellent ring tones as a present.

Take the survey

Sanyo Eneloop solar charger

This would be great when camping, cant think of many other times when your without a power connection of some sort (USB or wall socket). This little wonder will charge 4 AA batteries or an IPOD, Pocket PC, PDA etc etc, via Natures own power source ... No not methane... Solar Power. It doesnt say how long it would take to charge though but im sure where ever you want to use this you wouldnt be in a hurry for a fully charged device, More...

HTC's Task Manager

In response to the Pocket PC community demand for a real close button for Windows Mobile, HTC will provide a Task Manager of their own in their future devices. This initiative has sparked a wave of approval in the community and constitute a blow to Microsoft's refusal to provide this feature in its product. Bravo HTC.

Via Modaco

USB Missile Launcher

This is not pocket pc related but way too cool not to post, this is a must have in the world of useless USB items. This is perfect for all environments, in a open office you can declare war on your collegues in school you can take on a teacher. For someone that has everything this would be the perfect present. More...

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cellplus To Launch BlackBerry In Mauritius

RIM and Cellplus, a local wireless services provider, have partnered to offer blackberry solutions in Mauritius. A Pocket PC solution would have been better, but it's not to happen soon. I'm quite excited by this partnership, as it puts Mauritius on the mobility track. "Cellplus, the leading Mauritius wireless services provider, and Research In Motion (RIM) (Nasdaq: RIMM; TSX: RIM), today announced plans to launch the popular and proven BlackBerry® wireless solution in Mauritius. BlackBerry is a complete end-to-end wireless solution that offers advanced security features and exceptional ease-of-use. It provides customers with mobile access to email, phone, Internet, text messaging, organiser and other corporate data applications from a single device." Read more...

FLITE 1.3 speech synthesis

Flite is one of the few Text to speech apps on pocket pc, to be honest its probably not the best TTS software i have heard but its the best ive used on pocket pc. Being free its even better, im using this again on my Jam to revise some tech manuals while i travel to and from work but its really good with just about anything once you get past the voice. The only real downside to this program is the lack of intergration into MS programs (like word etc) but being free whos to complain, you can download from here...

Windows Mobile download tool HandyGet released!

This is so new that ive just heard about it and its only been out not even 12 hours or so. This is a download tool for windows devices, by default it wont monitor download requests from ie unless you configure it from the settings within the program. This is only a link for the trial version which will give you 30 days testing (you need to put in a email address at handango) Trial version link however no word yet on the full version, still doesnt look too bad and worth a try. Downloads can be directed to anywhere on your phone (storage card etc) and will support simultaneous downloads.

Monday, October 30, 2006

I-mate SPL "Slim and Powerfull"

Firstly i would like to offer congratulations to Imate for making the best looking remote control ive ever seen. After they lost the contract for HTC rebranding it appears that they forgot they actually make mobile phones. From the stats available from the site below i think the most usefull thing on this phone has to be the preview mirror! i mean come on 4 hours of talk time .... more available here...

O2 Xda Zinc Pocket PC phone

This has been leaked onto a number of sites all thanks to the FCC in America, it appears that Asus is will be manufacturing 2 new Windows Mobile phone devices.

O2 Xda Zinc Pocket PC phone : European GSM-triband, European UMTS, Intel 520 MHz processor, 2 megapixel camera, fast Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G video calling.

O2 Xda Graphite MS Smartphone : Intel 312 MHz processor, 3G video calling.

now there was a weblink to a FCC site but that appears to have been shut down now, Most likely due to the big opsie, i bet someone didnt intend to have this information made public.

while i cant find any photos (yet) im very excited about a 520Mhz CPU..

heres hopefull that they have more info available soon.

Crossbow for Smartphones - Preview

Not so long ago, I posted an article about Crossbow for PDAs. GpsPassion has one for Smartphones with lots of pictures. Smartphones amateur will be happy to learn that the new version of Windows Mobile will include Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Read More...


Oh i loved this game on the PS1, i would spend many many hours getting completly and utterly dizzy. In this puzzle style FPS game you have to guide the bouncing ball through a number of mazes. and the best part is its freeeeeee for Pocket PC and Smartphone. you can download it completely free from here...

Friday, October 27, 2006

Bounty Hunter 2099 Pinball

I recently picked this one up, almost wasnt going to give it a try because every pinball game ive played so far on pocket pc has either been boring dull or lifeless. Bounty hunter has a small story line but more importantly is very adictive. The first screen alone has a ship just on the right hand side that will take you to a second area from there i think there is a way to get to another area, although i havent been able to reach it yet. The controls are very simplistic (and so they should) and reconfigurable. All round this is one game im recomending, (ive decided to start a game rating) 4 out of 5 etwals. You can buy or try it from here...

Microsoft releases Windows Live Messenger for Symbian BEFORE releasing it for Windows Mobile !

Ohhh this is not a good thing, how oh how can they forget windows mobile devices! And for all things ... SYMBIAN !!! symbian isnt even a proper programming language, its more like a deformed nokia version of java. from the comments ive seen alot of windows mobile people are upset by the recent deployments, Theres more Here...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Download and watch videos on the go

If you want to download and watch videos to your device while travelling, this application might prove useful and keep you from getting bored. Scott Robin has developed this web based application that strips the AVI file from any Google Video. It also works like a search engine whereby you can search and download Google videos. The service is free, but requires a fast connection, enough storage space and an application capable of playing Avi and MP4 files. If you have UMTS (3G), give it a try. This is the link to the site: Http://

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

psShutXP - turn off, display off and restart your Pocket PC

I came across this nice little software that lets you turn off, restart and even hard reset your device. The author has an entensive library of skins that you can download. The default being Windows XP shutdoen screen. The hard reset feature is hidden. You need to click on the icon at the top right side of the screen and you will be asked twice if you really want to hard reset. Read more here...


I love the Tetris style of games, if you want a game that you can sit for hours and listen to a book or music a tetris or tetris clone is the best game to do it with. you can even download it for free, yes thats right free. If you like the game alot then please think of the developer and drop him a little something via paypal.

Website found here...


PocketXpdf is a PDF viewer for Pocket pc (WM03 and WM5) and it is absolutely 100% free, yeah I like those words too. Well worth the download and is next to nothing in size whats more it actually works better and lighter than the official Adobe Pocket PC program. More...

Happy 4th Birthday Smart Phone

Twas a dark and stormy night 4 years ago when Orange first launched the Orange SPV, with 32 meg of flash and SD and MMC slot and even a plugin adaptor for a camera. This 2002 state of the Pocket PC featured a 132Mhz CPU featured in a stunning silver case and was adorned with the Orange brand. To think in only 4 years my Imate Jam has 4 times the processing power, just makes you wonder how far they will come in 4 more years, read more from Jason at Microsoft Here...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Free: Mobile Secretary

Windows Mobile team blog has a Mobile Secretary application available for download. For developers, the source code will be posted soon. Mobile Secretary has lots of features. Download here:


This is my all time favourite way of watching Movies on my Pocket PC device, i first started using Smartmovie when i had a nokia N-Gage. Smartmovie comes in two parts, a Converter that runs on your PC and the player which is for your device. Providing you have the right codecs available will allow you to convert various AVIs into a smaller format supporting landscape or portrait modes (i much prefer landscape as its a bigger picture). It will even allow subtitles to be loaded into the conversion (making these from scratch takes along time however). For those on the go ,if you have a 2 hour trip to and from work each day, this means you can watch your favourite TV shows and movies on the run. Trial and Purchasable via the lonelycatgames site here.


Nice clean free flowing graphics on this support otherwise addictive gameplay, its taken me 2 days to finish the first floor (level) of the pyramid. The trick with this puzzle game is to not panic which is easy to do as you race to place all the marbles before each marble timer runs out. This is a puzzle game with a difference and scores quite highly on most Pocket PC gaming sites, the only draw back is the rotation of the turnstyles which has to be very spot on. Available for trial or Purchase here.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Pocket Ping

Well, did you ever miss a ping function on your pocket pc like you find it on Windows XP? Pocket Ping is a small software wich allows you to execute a ping from your pocket pc device.

This program runs on pocket pc.
You can ping an IP address or a host name.
It shows you the IP address of an enterd host name.
Also your own IP address is shown and updated, if it changes.

Opera 8.60u1 for Windows Mobile 5.0

Opera 8.60u1 for Windows Mobile 5.0 is available for download on Opera wesite as a 30 day trial. I don't know much yet about what is knew, but I'll post an article later. in the meantime, you can download it here:

Star Enforcer helps you recover your device

Yet another utility that can help you recover your device in case of theft. a few month ago, we talked about Eye on Thief. Just like Eye on Thief, once your SIM card is replaced, Star Enforcer will start sending sms to preconfigured numbers. Unlike Eye on Thief, Star Enforcer is available as a free download and works on WM2003 and WM5. read more here:

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Free: V2R Photo Dialer Plug in

V2R Photo Dialer is a tool that allows you to quickly call your favourite people from the Home screen image gallery.

Just select the photo of the caller and the quickly dial the person.

Read more here:

Friday, October 20, 2006

Dual SIM card pdaphone

That would be nice to have a dual SIM device as I won't have to carry two phones/PDAs around anymore. The phone, from Chinese Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific Co, runs Windows CE but lacks bluetooth, wifi etc. It is very unlikely that I'll add it to my wish list, but it has quite a nice design. More...

Gigabyte unveils PDA-phone

Announced today is the new Gigabyte series which incorperates analogue TV into a WM device. This seems to be a going trend lately with GPS and TV appearing in the new Pocket PC devices but at what cost, from the look of the new Gigabyte serires they are no longer what i would call a pocket device but more of a communications and media hub. i sure hope they make bigger pockets once these things come out. More...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Microscope cell phone strap

I love weird inventions from Japan. This is a cell phone strap microscope (its really more of a magnifying glass if you ask me) It magnifies whatever you're looking at by 15x and is supposed to be the best for a cell phone strap magnifier, I guess we cant really debate that one much can we. Here is the site to buy from but its in Japanese.

The retro handset is...bluetooth enabled

Picture this: You're walking the streets and you get a phone call. Since your cellphone has bluetooth, obviously you'll use your handset. Yes I really mean handset. People are staring at you holding a wireless retro handset and actually talking into it without the cord. Thinkgeek has updated this good ol'phone with bluetooth. The device is available for sale for $39.99. Read more...

Free: SmartFlash v1.0 final

SmartFlash is a tool that will help you to play macromedia files (.swf) in your Pocket PC. smartFlash will play your selected macromedia file fitting it in your device screen no matter if it's a QVGA, 240x240 or a VGA screen. It will allow also to fullscreen landscape or portrait mode in devices with Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition and Windows Mobile 5. This tool requires Macromedia Flash 6,7 installed in your Pocket PC. Download

Free: Invaders for Windows Mobile

Whether you’re on the go or waiting for your next meeting, entertain your brain with your favorite music and games from Windows Mobile. Register now for your free application, and sign up for the newsletter to receive regular e-mail alerts when exciting new games and music are available for free download. Attack wave after wave of cunning aliens as they drop toward you on the screen. Tailor your game experience with easy, medium, or difficult levels of play, three different display modes, and customizable waves of aliens. Register now and get ready for the invasion. Download: Invaders for Pocket PC and Invaders for Smartphone.

Wireless USB (UWB)

The WiMedia Alliance is planning to make the technology known as "ultrawideband," or UWB, work among a wide variety of consumer electronics devices, from PCs and printers to external hard drives and MP3 players. The USB Implementers Forum, the 1394 Trade Association and the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) have chosen the WiMedia Alliance's version of UWB technology as the foundation for their next-generation networking technology. UWB technology can deliver data rates at up to 480 megabits per second at around 3 meters, with speeds dropping off as the range grows to a limit of about 10 meters. Real-world speeds will probably be a little slower, but this is as fast as the wired version of USB 2.0 and much faster than current Wi-Fi networks are capable of transmitting data. More...

Spectec launches microSD Wi-Fi card with 802.11g support.

The reality is that most newly released Windows Mobile phones don't have SD card slot, don't have miniSD card slot but are equipped only with microSD card slot! For these phones, if they don't have Wi-Fi built-in, it was impossible to use Wi-Fi cards because such cards are available only in full size SD and miniSD formats. Now it all changes. More...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Franklin Wireless USB EVDO Card

This revolutionary product will enable Tablet PC and Mac laptop and desktop users that do not have a PCMCIA card slot to connect to the Internet or company information with broadband-like download speeds using Sprint Mobile Broadband Services operating on the Sprint Power Vision Network. Not much information is out on this card but our early tests have shown remarkable speeds! Previous ultra mobile portables have had the "ball and chain" by tethering their EVDO phones/pda's More...

TCPMP player renamed to CorePlayer

For anyone using the old TCPMP player this means you gotta pay for it now, but its still one of the best media player players available, it plays most common formats (including MP3 with album art) and video (including DiVx). Also supports just about every pocket pc in existance. check it out here...

Oil cooled computer

Sorry this isn't about Pocket Pc but this was just way too funny not to post. Yes the title is right some guy built a canola oil cooled computer More...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Some nice themes/skins for your PPC/Smartphone

Check this site. It has some cool themes and skin dialers for your device and they are free.

How to: Import Contacts from Excel to Windows Mobile

This article will outline the steps to import contacts stored in Microsoft Excel to your Contacts on your device. Note that this will work for both Pocket PCs and Smartphones. Before we start, make sure that you clear your Excel spreadsheet of any unwanted or unnecessary info.

Open your spreadsheet

Select all data

With your list selected, create a Name Range (Insert > Name > Define) and give it any name you want.

Save and Close Excel

Open Outlook on your computer

Click File > Import & Export (I&E)

In I&E wizard, select Import from another program or file. Click Next.

In Import a file window, select Microsoft Excel.

Browse to the location where you saved your Excel file. Click Next.

Select the destination folder, which should be your default Contacts folder. Click Next.

Check the Name range you defined in Excel.

Click the Map Customs Fields button.

Drag values from the source file on the left & drop them on the appropriate destination field on the right. Click OK.

Click Finish. Outlook imports the file.

Connect your device to your PC and synchronize.

Jobs not worried about Zune

In an interview to Newsweek, Apple's boss stated that he is not worried at all by Zune. Excerpt...

"Microsoft has announced its new iPod competitor, Zune. It says that this device is all about building communities. Are you worried?

In a word, no. I've seen the demonstrations on the Internet about how you can find another person using a Zune and give them a song they can play three times. It takes forever. By the time you've gone through all that, the girl's got up and left! You're much better off to take one of your earbuds out and put it in her ear. Then you're connected with about two feet of headphone cable." Read interview here

ACER announces GPS Pocket PCs

A couple of new Acer Pocket PCs have been spotted and should be released in Europe soon... They have dimensions of 5.8 x 10.8 x 1.7 centimeters, a weight of 122 grams, and displays of 2.8 inch TFT LCD Touch Screen, with 320x240 pixels resolutions. The Windows Mobile 5.0 operating systems run on Samsungs S3C2442XL processor. More...

Microsoft limits Vista transfers

This was talked about alot during Windows XP build and Beta Phase and was looked upon as being a very bad move for Microsoft. While it will limit Piracy (for a little while) a lot of people will find it very annoying when they change Motherboards or CPUs, not to mention costly. More...


TransSend is a unique product that enables Internet content such as addresses, phone numbers, event calendar, maps, and other text and images to be wirelessly transferred from a Bluetooth enabled PC to another mobile Bluetooth device such as a phone or PDA.

Using TransSend and a PC connected to the Internet, a user is able to wirelessly deliver select web content to a mobile device over a Bluetooth connection.

Monday, October 16, 2006

MacroRecorder For Windows Smartphones

Hope you all enjoyed your week end. Imagine how life would be if you find yourself doing the same things repeatedly everyday. Saying the exact same words with the same person, eating the same food etc. That would be freaky. Now, imagine that you could repeat some operations on your Smartphone. This is possible with MacroRecorder which "records and playbacks any operating process on Smartphone device easily". A trial version is available for download here. Grab the user manual here. (US and Canada only)

So, you decide to try online dating or you're out on the scene as a frequent dater and it doesn't work out. You find yourself in that awkward situation: You need to break up with them but you are stuck for words. Simply record your message and schedule it to arrive on his/her phone. More...

Warning: Tears can damage your cell phone

According to this article recently published on CNET Tears damaged a cell phone, which wouldn't be entirely impossible. But does go to show that no matter how robust you make a phone someone will always find a way to break it more...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Egress - RSS Reader for the PocketPC

This is my choice for RSS reader on my Pocket PC, out of all the ones i tried this one came out infront of all others.

One thing that really stands out is the HTTP proxy support which works great with a corporate firewall.
Egress Website

The Quest 1.01

Don't let the ordinary name fool you for anyone that is a hard core RPG lover like myself this is by far the best RPG available on Pocket PC. The graphics are are based on a FPS but it really does work for it. There is a number of features in game that you just don't get in RPG much these days (like the book system and magic) the only thing I think that does let this game down is the turn based movements. Developers website available here with a decent demo and (purchasable) full version

Call of Duty 2

Call of Duty 2 is "optimized for Intel's newest processor family for portable devices (codenamed Monahans) based on third-generation Intel XScale architecture. Activision's Call of Duty 2 is an award-winning, intense and cinematic first-person action game that transports gamers to the front lines of World War II.

"With exceptional AI that fights, evades and acts realistically, chaotic battlegrounds with exploding artillery and whizzing bullets, authentic battleground recreation, a vast arsenal of weaponry, and a highly polished gameplay progression, the excitement of the original PC version has been optimized and transported to handhelds."

Flight (Pocket PC) v1.07

There really isn't many games I've found on Pocket PC that really are worthy of a highlight however this is the latest version of a flight simulator from smartmobilegames that I highly recommend. Other than the graphics being a little 90's and reminiscent of a late and great Amiga the game play is addictive and enjoyable, Just remember to watch the fuel gage. There is a demo version available for download or the full version (purchasable) via here ...

Siemens VDO Traffic Sign Recognition - So We Can Get Some Sleep

Siemens knows that driving is really hard with a phone, PDA, GPS and stereo to worry about, so they've invented a system to read signs for you.
A camera scans the field ahead while an onboard computer searches for patterns. In the case that a speed limit sign is detected, a windshield display will place the new speed limit next to your current rate of travel. The system can also be configured to automatically adjust your cruise control.