Tuesday, September 11, 2007

WM6 post upgrade issues #3 - Caller/Sender ID not displayed; HTC to release patch.

Another bug has appeared on my device and this time, it has to do with Text messaging not displaying senders' ID anymore when receiving text messages. It was working fine under Windows Mobile 5.
I came across multiple threads where users, especially those who got the upgrade from HTC, were complaining about that same issue. While trying to solve the issue, we managed to get the sender's ID to display fine, but at a price. The caller's ID would not display anymore. It was either one or the other. Further tweaking brought back the caller's ID and the sender's ID stopped working. I noticed that if I added the country code to a Mobile number, it would stop displaying the caller's ID. It became clear that there was nothing that we could do to resolve this, so I suggested that the "customer" paid a visit to HTC for support. The answer he got was something like they are aware of this issue and HTC is working on a patch to fix it.


  1. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I am having the same problem. Has HTC released the Patch? Thanks

  2. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Hi I'm having same problem with Asus P535 Turkish version
    I don't know what can I do
