Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tips: Internet Pass through not working on Palm Treo 750

Earlier today, a member of the Windows Mobile Owners Circle forums reported that he could not access internet on his Treo while the latter is connected to his PC. To avoid confusion here, let me just explain what Pass through is.
Pass Through is a technology built in to our devices and Activesync that when connected to an internet PC via USB, your device will use the connection on the PC to access the web. If GPRS or any other connections are running on your PC, your device will automatically suspend those connections to use the connection on the PC instead.
The member was not able to use pass through. I first recommend that he changed his connections settings in Activesync to Automatic or Internet, but that did not work. Whichever solution I proposed did not work. Until I found this fix in the registry.
Open the Registry editor and go to Hkey_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings. Locate EnableAutoDetect. Change the value to 1. The default is 0. If you cannot find EnableAutoDetect, create it as a Dword value. This fix might apply to other devices as well.

Note: Do this at your own risk.


  1. You didn't say whether the mod should be done to the PC registry or the PDA's registry.

  2. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. You need to make the change on the PDA.

  3. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I dont know you...but i want to tell you

    I LOVE YOU....

    oh god you made my day its been like ages searching for a solution and this was the key...

    just for your info i have a jasjar with windows mobile 6....

    oh god....

    im soooooo happy...thanks dear

  4. Glad that it worked for you Wiziiii :)
