Thursday, July 31, 2008

Experience Mobility moves to new home

I received an email from my friend and fellow MVP Jack Cook about his site having moved to a new domain after spammers exploited a vulnerability (Read Jack's statement below). Both the site and the database have been littered with spams and Jack had to start fresh. His blog is now at If you subscribed to Jack's feed, please update to
Good luck with the new site, Jack.

"Sad but true, I'm starting over after finding that Experience Mobility was infiltrated with a serious amount of hidden SPAM within my blog. Evidently there was a vulnerability that was exploited at sometime and no matter what I did to remove it, it kept coming back. I suppose I could have left it there but it was just the point of having it that bothered me. Because it was not only in the blog but was also riddled through my database, it was decided that the best tact to take was to start fresh.
So what about all my previous posts and reviews? I am not going to make an attempt to retrieve the old posts but over time, I will try to bring back my reviews but that will be a time consuming project and I am thinking it may well be a great Winter project".

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