Monday, February 16, 2009

First Official webOS Programming Resource Released

Palm and O'Reilly Media have the first official programming resource for Palm's new webOS: "Palm® webOS™: Developing Applications in JavaScript Using the Palm Mojo™ Framework". You can read the first chapter for free right now at From the press release:

"The first chapter of the Rough Cuts Version of the book is currently available online for free from the Palm Developer Network at, and is scheduled to be available on the O'Reilly website Monday by 7 p.m. CET (10 a.m. Eastern). Rough Cuts is a service from Safari Books Online that provides early access to books on cutting-edge technologies prior to publication. Programmers eager to learn how to develop applications on webOS can literally read the book online as it is being written or download it as a PDF. And with Rough Cuts, readers can participate in an ongoing discussion about the book and technology. The complete book will be published upon release of Mojo, Palm's webOS software development kit (SDK)."

More information about the book, including table of contents, index, author bio, and samples:
More information about the developer webcast on Feb. 25:

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