Thursday, November 12, 2009

Amazon releases Kindle for PC.

Remember the time when we were complaining about having to carry a phone and a PDA? The industry responded with convergence and everybody was happy with just one device in the pocket. Now, why the hell would I want to puchase the Kindle or Nook for reading books on the go?

That would amount to rejecting convergence; Going backwards. But with one big difference: back at the time when PDAs were not phone enabled, both the phone and the PDA would fit in two pockets. Can you do that with the Kindle? It's great to be able to carry my books on my PDA wherever I go.

I use ereader to read and purchase my ebooks and I'm very happy with it. The Kindle and the Nook defeats the purpose of mobility or the concept of one device-does-it-all. Afterall, maybe those devices have not met the success that Amazon had anticipated and decided to reach out to the vast pool of PC owners through the Kindle Software that can run on Windows XP, Vista and 7 which runs on 90% of the PC out there. Amazon can be sure to make a profit that way. One thing I'm sure about is that Amazon put a lot of effort and money to market Kindle but never said how successful they are.

The Kindle for PC is still in beta. Download a free copy from
It would be great to see the software ported to mobile platforms as well. That would be a smart move.

Sent from my Windows® phone


  1. I seriously doubt you'll ever see that. Wouldn't it negate the need to buy thier overpriced hardware?

  2. Hi Russel,

    Thanks for your comments. Amazon announced the Kindle for the Blackberry. So why not one for the Windows Phone or the iPhone? As I speculated in the post, porting the Kindle software to other platforms will guarantee a huge payback. More than they can even imagine with the Kindle device itself.
