Monday, November 09, 2009

iPhone and Android everywhere, but no Windows Phone in view.

As usual, I started the day by updating my RSS reader on my Windows device to catch up with the news. And today, I wished I had not done so as I came across two articles on ZDnet and CNet where the authors share their views on where the mobile industry is heading and who are the players and losers. What struck me is that in both cases, Windows Mobile or Windows Phone was referred to as nonexistent or DEAD.
After reading these articles, I asked myself what the hell is Microsoft doing. How come Android 2.0 is getting such high reviews and Windows Mobile 6.5 is nowhere to be seen? Microsoft should be thankful that HTC's engineer built the HD2/Leo or else 6.5 would have gone completely unnoticed. But clearly that is not enough.
Jason Perlow writes on ZDNet that "for all practical purposes, Windows Mobile is a dead platform, which is why I didn't bother to include it in my evolutionary chart accompanying this article. Compared to Apple and Google's offering, there isn't a Windows Mobile phone on the market that can compete in terms of technology and capability with either iPhone or DROID." Notice the keywords in this statement: Dead and didn't bother. And then there is this: "Windows Mobile is currently the smartphone equivalent of Vista, nobody wants to touch it." Ouch!!!
For his part, Brooke Crothers, editor at CNET, hits hard at Microsoft right in the title: "First iPhone, now DROID. Who needs Windows?", and goes on to write: "if the iPhone didn't finish off Windows Mobile in the smartphone market, the Motorola Droid may."
"So the Droid may not be the iPhone killer but rather the Windows Mobile slayer. Microsoft, of course, will always have the unnassailable PC franchise. But, wait, isn't Android coming to Netbooks next year?"
So, is Windows Mobile dead? What do you think?

It surely is ailing.

To read Jason Perlow's article, go to;col1

Brooke Crothers:

Sent from my Windows® phone

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