Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Android-based app helps catch thief., a Android fan website, reports about how a couple living in Oregon in the US were able to catch a thief with the help of an application called Lookout. The thieves broke into their house at night and among the stolen stuffs, took the couple's Motorola Droid phones. The thief and his accomplice used the device to take pictures of themselves and this is where the LookOut applications does something that the thieves could not have possibly known. The application simply did an automatic backup to the cloud and the pictures got uploaded to the web. Read more at

I chose to relay Phandroid's report here because my wife and I experienced the same four years ago when a thief broke into our house at night and stole my wife's purse and phone - a Windows Mobile phone as it was known at that time. We were able to get the thief arrested with the help of an application called Eye on Thief that I had installed on the Smartphone. You can read the story here.

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