Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas all

I'm currently on vacation in Hong Kong, that is why this blog has been silent for a while. I will be back next year. Until then, I wish you all a Merry Christmas. Hope Santa will bring some cool stuff to all of you.

I just got a tweet from Santa, and he's bringing me an iPad. I'm so excited.

Dear readers,  thank you for your Support and again, have a great Christmas.

I'm posting this from my Nexus One.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tips: How to change language on your Windows Phone 7.

I speak three languages, English, French and Creole. The latter is our mother tongue. Since I'm active on the Windows Phone forums, both English and French, i find it very useful to be able to switch between the two languages. However, it would be great to be able to do so without having to reboot the phone like it's the case on another mobile operating system. Most Windows Phone 7 supports at least two languages and they vary depending on your location. So, how do you go about doing the switch? Follow the steps below:

From the main screen, flick to the left to access the application list.

Scroll down to Settings. Tap to open.

Tap Region & Language.

Tap the "Display language" field to select your preferred language. When done, you are taken back to the Region & Language screen.

Notice just above the "Display language", there is a message saying "Tap here to accept changes and restart your phone." Tap that message to restart your phone into the new language.

To revert back to your initial language, follow the same steps.

Now if you have been through all these steps and finally decided not to proceed with the switch, do not tap to restart the phone, instead press the Back button.

HTC Hub now has live tile.

The HTC Hub application has been updated on HTC phones running Windows Phone 7. It is now live and and shows your local weather. It's good to see more and more apps with live tiles on the main screen. This is, among other things, what makes Windows Phone 7 unique. In case you missed it, there is also a Twitter client on MarketPlace called Beezz that supports push nofication and live tile. 

Check out the video to see the live tile in action:

Source: WMPoweruser via: PocketNow

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

APPA Mundi brings Tasks sync to Windows Phone 7.

While Windows Phone 7 has tight Exchange server integration, it does not support Tasks synchronization. I don't think ever reading anything about the reasons Tasks was left out. Thanks to a third party developer, Tasks synchronization is now possible. The application lets you update your to-do list and sync with Exchange and, of course, see your Tasks in Outlook. Other options include:

  • Filter your Task list by Status
  • Sort your Tasks by Status, Priority, Subject, Start Date or Due Date
  • Create new Tasks on your Windows Phone
  • Edit and Delete existing Tasks
  • Synchronize with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and later
  • Trial version supports a maximum of 6 Tasks
  • Credentials are securely stored and only used to communicate directly with your Exchange Server

For more info, visit APPA Mundi website.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Windows Phone unlocker released.

Rafael Rivera, Chris Walsh and Long Zheng have put their efforts together to build a simple program that will let you install applications that did not make it to Microsoft MarketPlace. In other words, the software unlocks your Windows Phone 7 and the process is reversible. So it's not like you're jailbreaking your phone. Installing the unlocker on your phone does not modify the operating system.

Check out for more details.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Google Search app hits Windows Phone 7.

Yes and that is no surprise since Bing has long had its presence on Android. Google Search for Windows Phone 7 has such features like suggestions while typing, results based on location using the built-in GPS. Of course Google Search is free, but is not available globally yet.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tips: "service unavailable right now. Check back in a little while" when connecting to MarketPlace on WP7

You try to connect to Marketplace or initiate a download on your Windows Phone and the error above is displayed?
Open your browser on your computer and sign-in to and signout. Launch MarketPlace on your Windows Phone again and you should be good to go.

The same error in French reads like this:

"Nous ne parvenons pas à obtenir cette info. Ré-essayez dans quelques instants."

Sent with my Windows Phone 7

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Free: Flickr Manager for Windows Phone 7.

I have seen several requests on the forum about the ability to upload stuffs to Flickr. now this is possible with the free Flickr Manager. using flickr Manager, you will be able to view/manage your photostream, view your favorites, upload photos right from your Windows Phone 7.

Visit MarketPlace on your device or Zune MarketPlace on your phone to download your free copy.

Xbox Live Extras updated.

If you have been experiencing issues with Xbox Live Extras, you may want to download this free update from MarketPlace. Microsoft does not say anything about the changes the update brings, but I guess it contains a fix to the problems evoked on the forums.

Note that Xbox Live Extras is available in 8 countries only:

United States
United Kingdom
New Zealand
Hong Kong

Xbox Live Extras has worked well for me, so I won't apply the update because of the location restrictions. Microsoft has announced that more countries will be added.

Sent with my Windows Phone 7

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to: Save a new phone # from SMS to Contact on Windows Phone 7.

A new business contact sends you a sms and since you just met a few minutes ago, the sms shows up on your new Windows Phone 7 with the phone number displayed. Obvious, this is a new contact. So how do you go about adding the phone number to your contacts?

Simple, open the SMS you just received and tap on the phone number at the top of the screen and this brings up the unknown contact profile page. Tap the Save icon on the application bar and you will be presented with the Choose a contact screen. You have to choices here: (1) Search or (2) New Contact.

The option to search a contact lets you save the phone number to an existing contact. But this is not what we want here. Tap "New Contact". The phone number is automatically added to the phone field and you get to set the Phone number type. Save your changes by tapping the tick at the bottom of the screen and you're taken back to the standard Contact page where you'll be able to add a photo, name of the new contact, assign a ringtone or add an email address. Tap Save and the contact are added to your phone. One last thing, if you have more than just the default Windows Live account, you will be given the choice to select to which account to save your new contact. For that, tap that Account field.

Friday, October 22, 2010

KB: When signing in to your Windows Phone with Live ID you are asked for an activation code.

Microsoft has published what probably is the first KB article for Windows Phone 7 after some users have reported that they cannot activate their shining new phone via Windows Live. While this issue does not affect the use of the phone itself, the user just won't be able to access services like Live email, Xbox, MarketPlace etc.

The good thing is that Microsoft has promptly issued a fix that requires you call Microsoft Support to get the activation code that will let you proceed with setting up your phone. Read the KB article for more information and to locate the Microsoft Customer Service nearest to you.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Microsoft adds YouTube plugin to MarketPlace.

Yes there is a free YouTube plugin on MarketPlace for Windows Phone 7. Now don't rush there you download it because you won't find it. Instead go to a site with YouTube videos, like and tap on a video. The system will take you to MarketPlace to download the plugin. That  done, you will able to watch YouTube videos on your new phone.

Source: PocketNow

Windows Phone 7 launches in Europe, Asia and Australia today.

Today is the big day for Microsoft as Windows Phone 7 devices are already on store shelves in some part of the world; think Australia and New Zealand. There is a lot of buzz on the internet and reviews are all out with most of them positive. The not so positive thing about Windows Phone 7 is the lack of Copy/Paste and support for flash. But wait, all this is coming with an update soon. If you haven't get a chance to and play with the device yet, read he reviews posted on Engadget. The team offers an in-depth look at three devices: HTC HD 7; Samsung Omnia 7 and the HTC Surround.

Check them out and enjoy:


Samsung Omnia 7

HTC Surround

There's another review on Gizmodo that 's also worth reading.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Windows Phone 7: How To.

The device is not out yet but you can still train yourself before the release next week in Europe and Asia with the How Tos posted by Microsoft on their website. I'm sure you will find them helpful.


Friday, October 15, 2010

IliumSoft developing eWallet for Windows Phone 7.

With the official launch of Windows 7 last Monday and the growing excitement for the platform, we're starting to see developers from the Windows mobile 6.x world porting their applications to the new WP7 platform. Which is great and logical. So it comes as no surprise that eWallet will soon be part of MarketPlace offerings. However, no official release date has been announced with eWallet for Windows Phone 7 still in the works.

Read the blog post here.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Windows Phone 7 forums.

You don't know where to go to ask questions about Microsoft's Windows Phone 7? There are two places I highly recommend:

The English forums for WP7: Windows Phone 7 Forums

The French forums for WP7: Forums Windows Phone 7

You will find me on both. See you there :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First looks at HTC devices powered by Windows Phone 7 - HTC 7 Mozart

The HTC Mozart has a WVGA LCD screen, a 1GHz Qualcomm processor, 576MB of RAM, 8GB built-in storage and an aluminum unibody.

First looks at HTC devices powered by Windows Phone 7 - HD7

The HD7 has 4.3 inch WVGA TFT screen, 1GHz Qualcomm processor, 576MB of RAM, a 5 megapixel camera and of course Windows Phone 7. Basically it has the same specs as the HD2, except for the OS.

Windows Phone 7 is now official.

Yesterday, Microsoft officially launched Windows Phone 7 at an event in New York. They also presented some devices with the new OS and they kind of looked cool. So if you missed the event, check out the links below:

Watch the press conference

Tour the variety of devices

For one thing, Windows Phone 7 has grabbed the attention of many.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Windows Phone radio launched.

With the upcoming release of Windows Phone 7, Microsoft has released the first episode of their radio show a few days ago. Hosted by Matt Akers and Brian Seitz, the weekly podcast will feature behind the scene information and interviews of Microsoft staff and partners involved with Windows Phone.

Here's the link to the first episode of the show:


Thursday, September 23, 2010

iPhone vs. Windows Phone 7.

Brandon Miniman of produced a nice video comparing the new Windows Phone 7 to the iPhone. Even if the Windows Phone device is a prototype, the iPhone just look like a two or three generation old device with it's app-icon centric interface that hides data. Windows Phone 7 on the other hand has live tiles that aggregates your data on the home screen so you do not have to launch multiple apps to view your data. Windows Phone 7 brings the data that is important to you to the home screen.

Watch Brandon's video:

Pictures of HD7/3 surfaces.

Pictures of the HTC HD7/3 have shown up on a Taiwanese forum. The device is labeled HD3 on the back, but the community is referring to it as HD7 for the OS that powers it. Yes, Windows Phone 7. What else?

The device in the picture is not broken. It's just the a kickstand.

Check out the pictures via WMPoweruser.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

At least one feature that won't work for me on Windows Phone 7.

I was reading an article over at Techflash about the availability of the Zune service in some countries in Europe, South America, Australia and New Zealand. Obviously, Microsoft has been hard at work to get deals in those countries before the launch of the new Windows Phone next month. But that had me wondering if Microsoft will make the service available worldwide, including State islands like Mauritius. For one thing, Windows Phone 7 will reach Mauritian shores by year end. Thus far, Microsoft and Google seem to have diligently ignored the non-U.S, European customers – much to the benefit of Nokia. By now, if you’re reading this, you are probably asking yourself what I’m talking about.

So let’s get to the point with a hands-on, no matter if you have a Windows Phone (version 6.1 or later) or an Android phone. Launch Marketplace and Market, select any paid application and start the process to buy it.
Marketplace is smart enough to display both paid and free apps. But it’s also frustrating because you can’t actually buy those apps in Mauritius. Android Market lets you see only free apps. If you try looking for a paid application, the result is an annoying message saying that the app does not exist.

Why is it that I cannot access paid applications on both these platforms? Is my money not smart enough? You get the same frustrating experience on your PC with Windows Media Center which lists a bunch of great shows for you to watch, only that they are not available in your region. WHY?

I understand that each country has its own modus operandi, tax hungry governments and that companies like Microsoft have first to comply with local laws. Isn’t that the very reason why Microsoft has a bureau in Mauritius? To help, among other things, be in compliance and to strike deals with local business partners, policy makers.

Windows Phone 7 has everything it needs to get Microsoft win back market shares. It’s likely that we’ll see a dazzling lineup of Windows Phones next month on the market that will move Microsoft current ranking north. But that will only happen in the U.S. and Europe. Other markets will remain deprived of paid apps, Zune service and probably Xbox live. Limited to Nokia's offerings and not enjoy the full potential of the Windows Phone.

These features won't work for me on the new Windows Phone.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Opera releases Opera Mini 5.1 for windows Mobile.

Looking for a better Windows Mobile browser? Opera today released the improved Opera Mini 5.1 for Windows Mobile. The new update brings better support for high resolution handsets, accelerometer support and the ability to set Opera Mini as the default browser.
Opera Mini 5.1 has already been released for Java, Android and BlackBerry phones. Now available for Windows Mobile 2003 SE, 5.x and 6.x handsets, Opera Mini’s server backbone speeds up browsing while reducing the data transferred to the phone. For users roaming on expensive networks, or with pay-as-you-go data plans, Opera Mini can cut your mobile data bill by up to 90 percent.
Opera Mini 5.1 features many compelling updates, including: 
  • The ability to set Opera Mini as the default browser
  • Support for devices with high-resolution (high DPI)
  • Improved page layout and font rendering
  • Support for auto-rotation
  • Advanced configuration support for power users
“Opera Mini 5.1 contains several key improvements for the millions of people with a Windows Mobile phone,” said Jon von Tetzchner, Co-founder, Opera Software. “The new Opera Mini is particularly vibrant and really takes advantage of high resolution screens. And, now that you can set Opera Mini as your default browser on a Windows Mobile phone, it is much easier to enjoy the speed boost and data compression. It is our way of making your Windows Mobile phone better.”


Visit with your phone’s default browser, and Opera will automatically select the optimized version for your phone. Opera Mini is free to download and use. Opera Mini works on Windows Mobile 2003 SE, Windows Mobile 5.x and Windows Mobile 6.x phones.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Windows Phone Ads appear on YouTube.

Microsoft is getting ready for the Windows Phone release with these two adverts that appeared on YouTube. While I have never seen the one before because it was shown at an event in London during the last weekend, I am sure the second video is not new. If my memory serves me well, it's been out there since Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, officially announced Windows Phone 7 at MWC in Barcelona earlier this year. Anyway, sit back and enjoy.

Source: Geek in Disguise

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Windows Phone 7 released to manufacturing.

This is so exciting and it must be even more for the Windows Phone team after they've taken the gamble of re-writing Windows phone code from scratch. This has been a huge undertaking.  According to Terry Myerson's post on the team's blogs, " Windows phone 7 is the most thoroughly tested mobile platform Microsoft has ever released. We had nearly ten thousand devices running automated tests daily, over a half million hours of active self-hosting use, over three and a half million hours of stress test passes, and eight and half million hours of fully automated test passes. We've had thousands of independent software vendors and early adopters testing our software and giving us feedback. We are ready." So are we.

Congratulations to the Windows Phone team.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Tips: The following appointment failed to synchronize on the device. Support code 1

If you see the error in the title on your device or PC, then, most likely, you have a ghost entry in your calendar. Don't waste your time looking for the appointments, you'll find them nowhere. There is an easy way to solve this problem.

Bring up the command prompt by right-clicking on it and choosing "Run as administrator". Then type:

Regsvr32.exe %Windir%\system32\ole32.dll.

Press Enter.

Type Exit.

Reboot your computer.

You should now be able to sync.

Friday, August 20, 2010

UI firm designs interface for Windows tablet.

UI Centric, a user-interface design firm, has created an interface for the Windows Tablet. The interface looks a lot like the Windows Phone and Zune UI. In fact, with Microsoft looking to impose a touch-enabled  Windows 7 interface to its tablet has led the UI firm to create this overlay that will make the device more usable. The results are quite impressive. Check out the video.

Source: Seattle PI

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Astraware releases new game - Brad Mitchum: Lost in Time.

Brad Mitchum is an archeologist who discovers a mysterious talisman. His curiosity will turn his world upside down when he gets lost in time. This is where you intervene and makes Brad see the funny side of this desperate situation. Your intervention will cost you $2.99 only.

Brad Mitchum: Lost in Time is a fun action arcade game inspired by classic ball-shooting titles like Pang or Buster Bros which includes 3 high action game modes:
  • Story: with cinematic sequences and progressive difficulty for an ever-increasing challenge;
  • Pure: an arcade style mode with multiple weapon types;
  • X-trem: a special extra-difficulty mode with combo systems for hardcore players.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

GSMA Mobile World Congress 2011 speakers announced.

Mobile World Congress is a yearly exhibition/Conference about mobility. The event is held in Barcelona from February 14 to 17. So this is the place to be to see the future as every mobile actors seize this opportunity to showcase their advancement in mobile technology.

You also get to hear from speakers from prominent companies from across the world.  This year confirmed speakers are:

Randall Stephenson,  Chairman,  CEO be President of AT&T.

Li Yue,  President, China Mobile.

Eric Schmidt, Chairman and CEO,  Google.

Paul Jacobs, Chairman and CEO,  Qualcomm.

Jack Dorsey, CEO,  Square.

Evan Williams,  CEO,  Twitter.

The 2011 website is now launched.  You will find a wealth of information related to not only the event, but also about accommodation, agenda etc.

Learn more @

Posted on the go.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Windows Phone 7 coming to Europe in October.

Kevin Turner, Microsoft COO, said during a presentation yesterday that Europe will be first to get Windows Phone 7 phones. Americans will see the device on the market in November. Never before has a Microsoft executive been giving such specifics about release dates. Unfortunately, Kevin Turner does not mention about availability for Africa and Asia. No surprise here.

Watch the video:

Source: Engadget

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

HTC Quietly releases update for HTC Touch Diamond2.

HTC never post much details about the updates on their website. All I know is that the update affects SMS and "amends the internal management of SMS functionality, and enhances SMS transmission stability" It's pretty vague.

Anyway, the update applies to ROM versions between to

Download the update on HTC's Support site.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Engadget's Joshua Topolsky interviews Joe Belfiore, corporate VP of Windows Phone.

Here's an excellent interview conducted by Joshua Topolsky, editor in chief of Engadget, of Joe Belfiore, one of the brains behind Windows Phone 7. I also encourage you read the "in-depth blowout of Windows Phone 7" by Engadget.


Update: I'm editing this post to include other Windows Phone 7 previews by other sites who were lucky to be given a prototype device to play with:

CNET (Part 1)
CNET (Part 2)

Friday, July 16, 2010

SPB Mobile TV is free for Windows Phones.

SPB Software is offering their Mobile TV  2.0 application for free. Mobile TV offers live TV streams along with video-on-demand channels from more than 17 countries. Of course, using Mobile TV on the go requires an unlimited data plan and, probably, a spare battery.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fring sends explanatory email to users about feud with Skype.

I'm publishing the email i just got from Fring about the issue with skype.

Hello fringsters,
As you may have noticed, Skype has blocked fring. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this Skype policy has unfairly caused you.

As loyal fring users, you deserve an explanation: Last week, following the surge in fring video calling traffic, fring service to Skype was temporarily reduced . Unfortunately, Skype and their legal team demanded not to restore your connectivity to Skype via fring.

Needless to say, we are very disappointed that Skype is now trying to muzzle competition, even at the expense of its own users.

While we regret Skype's decision to block fring, we are committed to continuing to provide you with market-leading innovation, to keep you in touch with your friends, wherever they are.

On fring you can freely use the best mobile over internet communication like video calling, calls and chat anywhere (3G/4G/WiFi) on any advanced Smartphone.

So, if you are frustrated like us with communication barriers, and are just looking for a fun and easy way to stay in touch with your friends on the go, tell them about fring and
invite your friends to join fring here

We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to provide you with great mobile innovations.

Let freedom fring!
the fringTEAM.

How come Skype still does not have an application for Windows Phone yet? 

Astraware releases two new games for Windows Phone.

I love Astraware games. They're fun to play and they keep me awake when commuting to work. I must say that I'm amazed that they are still developing games for the current Windows Phone platform knowing that Windows Phone 7 is targeted for release in a few months. That's good for customers. About the new releases.

The first game released is Police Range, a perfect game to test your shooting skills and accuracy. You are not going to shoot anyone, so no blood spill. The name says it all. Their are two types of ranges for you to try your skills:

(1) Target Practice: Test your accuracy as targets appear at variable distances, and aim for the highest scores. Increase your reaction speeds as targets pop-up faster in later levels to increase the challenge.

(2) Crime Alley: test your eye and nerve in the street range as perps and civilians appear in windows and doorways. Take down the criminals but avoid shooting the civilians if you want to pass the training!

Police Range is available now for purchase at $2.99

More on Police Range here.

The second game is OddBlob.
Meet OddBlob: the groovy clay dude who loves to bounce! Help OddBlob bound across the squishy maze to grab bonuses, chomp fruit, and win points as quickly as he can as the chasing tiles disappear behind. Watch out for bounce and double bounce tiles that can help you reach your goal or throw you through the gaps to impending peril below! Cake slices earn you a try at the cake or doom mini-puzzle, the more bounces you make to get the cake, the bigger the bonus!

OddBlob is also available at $2.99

More on OddBlob here.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Youtube gets a Vuvuzela of it's own.

The world's largest video portal added a small soccer ball icon that, when clicked, mimics the now infamous Vuvuzela sound. Click the button again to stop the sound. After two weeks watching the FIFA world cup, I have accustomed myself to it. I even have Vuvuzela's apps on my phones. Ask my friends, they should know. At least two things we will remember about the 2010 world cup will be the Vuvuzelas and the French rout.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Download: Kin launcher for windows Mobile 6.5.

Want to give a Kin-like feel to your Windows Mobile device? Head over to Windows Phone Hacker for a free download. However, there is not much to it. Tapping on the shortcuts will take you back to the default Windows mobile theme or HTC sense or whichever theme you're using. So if you feel like bringing some change to your phone, download the cab file to your phone.

Here's a video that shows how it works:

Friday, June 11, 2010

Microsoft releases hotfix for recurring Calendar events synchronization issues.,

If you are experiencing issues where after synchronizing your phone with Outlook, your recurring events shift from one year to 12 years, then this hotfix will solve your problem. I have been seeing some reports on the Microsoft forums about this and I am happy that Microsoft has chosen to publish this fix. Here's an example of a situation on the Microsoft forums where this hotfix has solved this problem.

"You create a yearly recurring event on a Windows Mobile device, and you synchronize the Windows Mobile device with a computer that is running Office Outlook 2007. However, in both the Office Outlook 2007 calendar and on the Windows Mobile device, the recurring event shows that it will occur every 12 years instead of every year (12 months) after you perform the synchronization."

The hotfix can be requested for download here. For more information, read more.

Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Press-Release: SPB TV for Windows Mobile Smartphones Gets a Major Update

SPB Software, a leading mobile software developer, has updated the Windows Mobile version of its flagship application SPB TV to version 2.0. Due to advertising revenues support the program is now free-of-charge and subscription-free. Ads featured in SPB TV only last as long as channel buffering takes and therefore preserve the best user experience.
In addition to the existing features that include quick channel previews, a TV guide for more than 150 offered channels in more than 20 languages, picture-in-picture mode, fast channel launching and switching, the new version offers also a video on demand (VOD) option. With this new feature the users can control what they are watching and when. Unlike broadcast TV, VOD provides greater choice and interactivity.
Another significant enhancement is the Advanced Video Codec (H.264) support which improves video quality. As a result even with substantial lower bitrates the resolution is strongly improved. SPB TV 2.0 also allows to watch TV with low speed mobile network connections.
SPB TV works on iPhone, Symbian, Android, BlackBerry and WebOS smartphones as well. Last month SPB TV has reached one million users milestone. It is interesting to see how mobile TV watching behaviour is different in different countries. For example 71% of US users use SPB TV via 3G while in Greece and Poland only 10% of users use 3G and others use WiFi.
"Taken into consideration all the statistics and feedback collected from our users, we created the new version of SPB TV, which can not only offer our users better video quality but can be also available to all Windows Mobile users absolutely for free", said Sebastian-Justus Schmidt, CEO of SPB Software.
SPB TV is also available as a solution for mobile operators. SPB TV Mobile Operators Solution allows carriers to couple SPB's proven solution with their own infrastructure and various subscription models. Three mobile operators world-wide has already deployed SPB TV based mobile TV solutions.
*** SPB TV 2.0 for Windows Mobile Main Features: ***
- Integrated TV Guide with the list of current and upcoming TV-shows
- Unique browser with fast channels launch and switching
- Quick channel preview (picture-in-picture mode)
- On-Screen Control Panel
- Video on Demand
- Setting a Reminder
- Video Quality Switcher
- Advanced Video Codec support

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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Give your Windows Phone battery cover a new look.

There is not much going on in the Windows Phone world these days; No new devices and no new software. Microsoft is busy finalizing Windows phone 7, which will be released sometime at the end of the year. While we are all patiently waiting for the the OS, some have found a way to enhance their current phones.

Paul White, editor at Whitesites, posted a step-by-step tutorial that turned his black HD2 battery  cover into a chrome mirrored finish. If you need something to keep you busy until Windows Phone 7 comes out, check out the tutorial @ Paul White's site.

Monday, May 17, 2010

SPB Shell updated.

Do you use SPB Shell? I have it on my HTC Advantage. Why? Simply put, it offers a better UI experience than the default Windows screen navigation. The new version brings some interesting changes, namely the replacement of Google Search by Microsoft Bing. A trial is available @

Note that the upgrade from 3.x to 3.5 is free.

Posted using my HTC Advantage.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New update brings turn-by-turn navigation to Bing.

That is great news for U.S. Citizens, yay. Microsoft added a "Navigate" button that makes Bing calculate your route. If you have your Windows Phone on the main carriers in the U.S., then you are lucky enough to use the voice guided navigation.

I just checked on MarketPlace and it is still showing the 2009 version of Bing.

Read more @

Sent from my HTC Touch Pro 2.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Press release: SIG announces Bluetooth 4.0

Today from its annual All Hands Meeting in Seattle, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) unveiled more information about its forthcoming Bluetooth Core Specification Version 4.0, with the hallmark feature of low energy technology. Bluetooth v4.0, expected to be brought to market by the end of Q2, will feature a powerful low energy mode designed to enable expansion of the technology in m-health, sports and fitness, security and home entertainment scenarios where button-cell battery devices proliferate.
"Bluetooth v4.0 throws open the doors to a host of new markets for Bluetooth manufacturers and products such as watches, remote controls, and a variety of medical and in-home sensors.  Many of these products run on button-cell batteries that must last for years versus hours and will also benefit from the longer range enabled by this new version of the Bluetooth specification," said Michael Foley, Ph.D., executive director of the Bluetooth SIG.
Bluetooth v4.0 is like three specifications in one – Classic Bluetooth technology, Bluetooth low energy technology, and Bluetooth high speed technology– all which can be combined or used separately in different devices according to their functionality. For example, sensors like those in pedometers and glucose monitors will run only low energy technology, thus saving power, cost and space within the device. Watches will take advantage of both low energy technology while collecting data from fitness sensors on the body as well as Classic Bluetooth technology when sending that information to a PC, or separately displaying caller ID information when wirelessly connected to a mobile phone. Mobile phones and PCs, which support the widest range of uses, will utilize the full package with Classic, low energy and high speed technology running side by side.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Microsoft releases Kin, a new social Windows Phone.

Yesterday Microsoft announced two new Windows Phones called Kin One and Kin Two. The devices have been developed for people who follow closely their online social lives. And that does not necessarily apply to teens.
".KIN is designed to be the ultimate social experience that blends the phone, online services and the PC with breakthrough new experiences called the Loop, Spot and Studio."
Both devices have touch screen and slide out keyboard. They are larger for the Kin Two which also sports an 8 megapixel camera while Kin One has a 5 megapixel camera.
Would you like one?
Check out more about kin @

Sent from my HTC

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Forget the iPad. Say hello to HP Slate.

Despite all the hype, the iPad is far from being perfect; except for the Apple cronies. The iPad looks great and fits extremely well in Apple's closed world with iPhone's apps running on the iPad. In the end, what will make the iPad's success will be the infrastructure already in place. On the other hand, those who rushed to buy the camera-less device will certainly scratch their heads watching the demo of the HP Slate. A device that lets you upgrade your storage via a card reader, has one 1GB of DDR2 RAM and yes, the Slate has a inward facing VGA webcam and a outward-facing 3MP camera.

Friday, March 19, 2010

PhoneWeaver 2.1 is here.

Every so often I'm asked how to get a phone to automatically switch to Silent mode while in a meeting and the answer is not too obvious. Natively, this feature does not work well on Windows Phone and that was until PhoneWeaver came around.
PhoneWeaver lets you create profiles based on your meetings, power status and locations for GPS-enabled phones. Version 2.1 is an update.

SBSH PhoneWeaver 2.1 Highlights

Finger Friendly Settings - PhoneWeaver Settings completely re-designed. Sporting a new finger-friendly design, making it simple than ever for use with devices without a stylus!

Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Support - All profile triggers and features are now compatible with the latest Windows Mobile 6.5.3 release

Adjustable Task Bar Display - Customize PhoneWeaver's task bar shortcut display to have it perfectly match your preferred theme color and design!

Bug Fixes and Optimization - Myriad of bug fixes and code optimization introduced. Making this the best PhoneWeaver release up to date!

More @

HTC disagrees with Apple's action

HTC issued a press release outlining its disagreement with Apple's lawsuit over alleged patents infringement reminding us along the way that they have been in the business since 1997. HTC built and released the first Windows PDA back in 1998 and the first Android Smartphone ten years later. It comes as no surprise that HTC has amassed an impressive amount of awards. Not sure that will help fight back Apple though.
"HTC disagrees with Apple's actions and will fully defend itself. HTC strongly advocates intellectual property protection and will continue to respect other innovators and their technologies as we have always done, but we will continue to embrace competition through our own innovation as a healthy way for consumers to get the best mobile experience possible," said Peter Chou, chief executive officer, HTC Corporation. "From day one, HTC has focused on creating cutting-edge innovations that deliver unique value for people looking for a smartphone. In 1999 we started designing the XDA[i] and T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone Edition[ii], our first touch-screen smartphones, and they both shipped in 2002 with more than 50 additional HTC smartphone models shipping since then."
Read the complete press release @

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My daughter's vision of mobility's evolution.

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These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google.
Try it out here:

Friday, March 12, 2010

Twitter is over capacity.

Yeah Twitter cannot support New tweets for the time being. Bummer!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Skype for Windows Mobile no longer available!!!

"This isn't a decision we've taken lightly, but the reason is simple. Neither of these apps offered a great Skype experience." SO what is a great Skype experience? I find this decision strange for an application that has been in the mainstream so long. When software are outdated, you are usually offered an upgrade that fixes the bugs. They are not removed.

Imagine what life would be if Microsoft, Apple and others just pulled out there software because THEY think the user experience is not good enough. If that was regular and accepted business practice, I guess we'd be running our gadgets without software. We'd be carrying bricks around pretending to make a call over IP; pretending to be enjoying a fabulous user experience on our phones that Microsoft and Apple developed and then pulled out.

Clearly this is a decision taken lightly. So long Skype.

Changes to our mobile lineup

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Maurisystems announces availability of the HD2 in Mauritius.

Finally the HTC HD2 will reach mauritian shores at the end of February. The HD2 is the first device to host the 1gHz Snapdragon processor and the first Windows phone with a huge capacitive screen. Unfortunately, Maurisystems does not mention the price of the device on their website.


Processor Qualcomm® 1GHz SnapDragon™

Memory ROM: 512 MB, RAM: 448 MB
Dimensions and Weight 120.5 X 67 X 11 mm , 157 gms
Display 4.3-inch Capacitive touch-sensitive screen WVGA 480X800 resolution

Network Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE, HSDPA 7.2Mbps
Device Control TouchFLO™ 3D with HTC Sense

GPS Internal GPS antenna

Connectivity Bluetooth® 2.1, Wi-Fi®, HTC ExtUSB™, 3.5mm Audio Jack

Camera 5 megapixel auto focus with dual LED flashlight

Audio supported formats AAC, AAC+, AMR-NB, MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC-LC, MIDI, OGG
Video supported formats WMV, ASF, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, M4V, AVI

Battery Capacity: 1230 mAh, Talk time: 380 mins Standby: 490 Hrs

Expansion Slot microSD™ expansion (SD 2.0 compatible)

Special Features G-Sensor, Proximity Sensor, Ambient Light Sensor, Digital Compass, FM-Radio

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

HTC HD Mini introduced by HTC

The device is powered by Windows Mobile 6.5.3. No Windows Phone 7 yet. The HD Mini has a 3.2inch capacitive screen, a 600mHz Snapdragrom processor. In terms of connectivity, the device supports 3G, wifi, GPS/AGPS and Bluetooth.

Read more here.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Windows Phone 7 series brings a whole lot new experience.

I hope you did not miss the conference. Windows phone 7 bings an entirely new user experience. You're having a hard time believing me? well, check this out. You have to watch it for yourself:

Toshiba brings another capacitive phone to WM portfolio.

Toshiba showed its second 1gHz processor phone with capacitive screen. The device has a 4.1 inch screen and has a slide-out keyboard. Known as the Ko1, it is powered by Windows Mobile 6.5.

Source: Engadget

Windows Phone 7 face appears on wall in Barcelona.

I spotted this on engadget. Windows phone 7 got captured by Learnbemobile. The interface looks to be very finger friendly with xBox intragation. Visit Engadget for more pictures.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Windows Mobile 7 countdown.

This is just a reminder for the upcoming Mobile World Congress which will be held in Barcelona starting tomorrow. All eyes will be on Microsoft who will announce Windows Mobile 7. The conference will be hosted by Steve Ballmer tomorrow at 6:00pm local time. You will be able to watch the conference live through the link below:

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Opera Mobile Beta 3 for Windows Mobile.

Opera announced yesterday the availability of Opera mobile beta 3 that includes an experimental version of Flashlite 3.1. According the post, flashlite performance on the HD2 was "quite good" and on other devices, performance varied "from mediocre to poor". Note that Flashlite is disabled by default. To enable it, go to Tools -> Settings -> Advanced and set plug-ins to "On".

Read more here.

Winter Sports Live for your phone.

Handmark is offering an application that will let you get news, scores photos and more in real time on your Andoid, Windows phone, Blackberry and iPhone. Winter Sports fans will certainly appreciate having this free application on their devices.

Winter Sports Live can be downloaded free here.

I'm more a summer sports and FIFA world cup fan. Hopefully, there will be a similar application for these events.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Steve Ballmer to host Windows Phone press conference at MWC on Monday 15.

Mark your calendar as Microsoft will hopefully steal the show at the Mobile World Congress with the announcement and public demo of Windows Mobile 7. While I don't expect to see any hardware for the new O.S to be showed, it will nonetheless be interesting to see what Microsoft has devised to counter Google's Android and and Apple's iPhone. This is going to be fun. No stomping Mr. Ballmer :)

Point your browser to to watch the press conference.

The event will start at 6:00pm local time.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Google Buzz released.

Google Buzz lets you post information on places you visit. for example, you may share your thoughts about a great restaurant and point it's location in Google Maps. Buzz is tightly integrated with Google Maps and Gmail. The latter lets you invite followers from your contacts. This did not work for me. It did display some folks from my contacts, but they had the wrong email address. Hopefully they will fix that soon.

Buzz seems to be a cool product and it works with Android and WinMo. Not sure if Google Maps 4 has been released for WinMo, but Buzz can be accessed through the browser by going to Watch the video below or go to to learn more.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Battery notification in Windows 7 not a bug says Microsoft.

Users have reported that Windows 7 was displaying a message "considering replacing your battery" on laptops. The blogosphere obviously went abuzz urging Microsoft to recognize a bug in Windows 7. Microsoft responded on the Windows 7 engineering blog through no other than Steve Sinofsky, the Windows president. This is what Mr. Sinofsky wrote to explain the issue:

"Essentially the battery was degrading but it was not evident to the customer until Windows 7 made this information available. We recognize that this has the appearance of Windows "causing" the change in performance, but in reality all Windows 7 did was report what was already the case."

Then he goes on to provide a list of points that contributed to their understanding of the reports. Read the complete article on the Windows 7 Engineering blog.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

New software updates for Nexus One phone.

Owners of the Nexus One will receive an over-the-air update on their phones soon. The update not only fixes some issues with the phone and brings some more functionality:

Google Goggles
Google Maps 3.4
Pinch to zoom functionality
3G connectivity.
Learn more on the official blog of the Nexus One:

Sent from my HTC Touch Pro 2.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Update for HTC Touch2

I noticed a new update for the Touch2 on HTC's website:

"This update allows for your MP3 to be set as ringtones for incoming calls."

If this is important to you, remember to keep the update handy as you will need to re-apply it after a hard reset.

Sent from my HTC Touch Pro 2.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Apple announces the iPad.

The highly anticipated slate-type device has been revealed to the world by Steve Jobs yesterday. I must admit that it is the first time that an Apple product gets my attention to the point that I'm planning on actually buying the device. With prices starting at $499, it's worth considering. Why? Well, it's thin as opposed to the devices in that category; Has wifi and, most importantly, 3G connectivity. And here are the specs:

Weight: 1.5 pounds
Display: 9.7 inch with multi-touch; 1024x768 resolution
Connectivity: Wifi, UMTS/HSDPA;Bluetooth.
For more specs, check it out here.

All you need to know about the iPad including Steve Jobs keynote and videos can be found here and here.

What do you think about the iPad? Is it worth the purchase now or wait for 2.0 to come out or Apple to drop prices?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Announcing SPB Quads contest.

In order to participate, you must be the owner of an iPhone and of course, a Windows phone.

That said, to participate, just play the game on the device in "time quad" mode and publish the result on SPB website. The contest will last from 12:00 PM GMT January 20 to February 8 at 12:00 PM GMT.

3 players will be awarded with the following prizes:

1. Amazon certificate worth $150.
2. Amazon certificate worth $100.
3. Amazon certificate worth $50.

More prizes will be offered by SPB.

To learn more, visit

Good luck and have fun.

Sent from my HTC Touch Pro 2.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bill Gates launches new site

The idea of this new website is to share what's on his mind, share information from trips, talks with world leaders, experts in various fields including namely, philanthropy, science, environment etc. The website address is

Also, you may want to follow Bill Gates on Twitter:

Sent from my HTC Touch Pro 2.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Download your free apps in one place with OpnMaket.

So, you are already familiar with Microsoft's MarketPlace for Windows Phone. What about a similar app that let you download and install free apps to your device?

OpnMarket from is one free application for downloading free software for your Windows phone in one place. It does have the same look and feel like MS MarketPlace. I'll post a short review soon.

Download a free copy from

Sent from my HTC Touch Pro 2.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Android-based app helps catch thief., a Android fan website, reports about how a couple living in Oregon in the US were able to catch a thief with the help of an application called Lookout. The thieves broke into their house at night and among the stolen stuffs, took the couple's Motorola Droid phones. The thief and his accomplice used the device to take pictures of themselves and this is where the LookOut applications does something that the thieves could not have possibly known. The application simply did an automatic backup to the cloud and the pictures got uploaded to the web. Read more at

I chose to relay Phandroid's report here because my wife and I experienced the same four years ago when a thief broke into our house at night and stole my wife's purse and phone - a Windows Mobile phone as it was known at that time. We were able to get the thief arrested with the help of an application called Eye on Thief that I had installed on the Smartphone. You can read the story here.

Friday, January 08, 2010

HTC introduces the HTC Smart powered by Brew Mobile!!!

The HTC Smart is a new feature phone from the Taiwanese phone maker. As such it does not run Windows Mobile or Android. Instead, Smart is powered by Brew mobile, an OS I'm not familiar with.

This new touch phone is compact and easy to use according to the overview posted on HTC's website. It also features HTC Sense. Looks like a phone for the non-geeks out there.

The device does look small and stylish; a bit like the Touch2 but smaller. It has 256MB of ROM and RAM; supports HSDPA/EDGE/GPRS/Bluetooth; 1100mAh battery; 2.8 inch TFT-LCD touch screen.

For more, go to

No word about the price yet.

Sent from my HTC

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Nexus One is here.

The highly anticipated Google phone is finally available in some countries via Google's own store. Mauritius is, obviously, not on the list.

Want to know more about the phone and get a demo? Go to You'll get a demo for each app, a 3D tour of the phone itself and more.

Do you already have the Nexus One?

Sent from my HTC

Monday, January 04, 2010

Google Nexus video posted at Engadget.

Engadget got their hands on the Google Nexus and provides a hands on, video and first impression of the device. No word yet about availability and pricing of the device. It seems Google will be holding a press conference soon to officially introduce Nexus.

Until then, click the link below to watch the Nexus in action:


Sent from my HTC