Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Showoff Windows Phone 8 Start screen on your WP7.5 phone.

While current Windows Phones won't get the full upgrade to Windows Phone 8, Microsoft will instead offer a minor upgrade to Windows Phone 7.8 This upgrade will bring the new Start screen to current devices and is being sold by Microsoft as one of the main features of Windows Phone 8. Until the release of the new OS, you can experience with the new Start screen on your Windows Phone. Yes there is a free app for that called W Phone 8.

Basically, it provides a good simulation of the new Start screen with some working functions. So you'll be to re-size the tiles, search for install apps from Marketplace, post a message to Facebook, make phone calls and change the theme colors. Overall it's quite a nice app to just showoff.

Download link: W Phone 8 

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