Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Podcast+ Pro gets image performance improvements and notification when pressing back button.

Podcast+ Pro is currently free for a limited time to celebrate the New Year. It was made free last week. I was using the default Windows Phone Podcast app before and my major complaint about it was how downloading several podcast simultaneously was an awful experience. Fortunately, Podcast+ Pro handles multiple downloads well. I'm enjoying the new experience now.

Podcast+ Pro was updated today with the following features:

  • Added: notification when pressing the back button in main page.
  • Improved: performance improvements for the image.
  • Improved: playback control panel in the upnext screen and the episode screen.
  • Improved: the slider in the playback control panel.
  • Fixed: some known bugs. 
Download Podcast+ Pro as it's still free in the Windows Phone store.

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