Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Runtastic for Windows Phone introduces Shoe Tracking to protect your joints and prevent injuries.

I never heard of shoe tracking up until today. At first, I thought it was surreal, but Runtastic really wants to help you track your shoes condition from the time you buy it and for the next 500 km you use to run or walk. Why 500 km you may ask. Well according to a study by Cook, Kuster and Brunet, "the initial cushion of running shoes dropped to 67% after about 150 miles (240 kilometers) and further to 60% after a little more than 500 miles (800 kilometers)." And another study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences "has shown that as the number of miles increases, the cushioning capability of the shoes decreases, exposing your joints to greater shock and force." So take note and mind your joints as from now on. But don't freak out, Runtastic has you covered with an update to their app for Windows Phone. 

They introduced Shoe Tracking to help keep track of the mileage on your running shoes. The app has a builtin database of shoes from which you can choose, and if your's are missing, snap a picture of your shoes to add to the app. If you have an existing shoe, specify when you started using it and include your mileage and Runtastic will take it from there. It is also capable of handling several shoes. 

Head over to the Windows Store to download the updated Runtastic and add Shoe Tracking to your fitness statistics.

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